cell surface
Typically cell membranes have proteins mixed within their cell membranes, therefore a cell surface will be more bumpy than smooth, a cobblestone if you will.
"Cell surface markers are special proteins and carbohydrates attached to the cell membrane. While some proteins have the task of allowing the transport of molecules across the membrane, cell surface markers play a role in inter-cellular communication and recognition. In short, cell surface markers are like a fingerprint, specific to each kind of cell, and capable of being identified according to what kinds of markers are present on the membrane. "
"Cell-surface receptors are like traffic cops. . . . Without the appropriate signals entering and exiting the stem cell, it does not know whether to selfrenew..."
The rest is in the link....
"Cell-surface receptors are like radiowave antennae: They pick up signals to send them forward to the appropriate cellular equipment that process the information in the signals. But how do cells know where to best position receptors to cleanly and efficiently pick up the numerous signals coming at them? "
A paper on how cells organize the receptors on their outer surfaces...

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