cell division


The Dance Of The Surgar Plum Dna

a: Cell division ~
b: intricate dance

What: "Cell division is like a dance, where chromosomes have to follow a tight choreography. But like the best dancers, chromosomes sometimes make mistakes."

Writer: Thoughtomics
Date: May 2 2013 11:23 AM

a: Cell division ~
b: photocopy of the entire blueprint


"Cell division is like making a photocopy of the entire blueprint of a completed building and then giving the copied blueprint to another contractor to build a completely new building." Is this an accurate analogy of the process of cell division? "

"The analogy is only partially accurate. All of the DNA (the blueprint) is copied before cell division. However, an entire new cell is not constructed using this DNA; rather, components of the original parent cell are divided equally between the two daughter cells."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 30 2016 3:58 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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