cell cycle


a: cell cycle ~
b: rodeo


"I taught a lesson dreamed up by my mentor teacher Thursday in which the kids act out the process of cell division as a "rodeo." Imagine centriole cowboys lassoing a herd of chromatids and you have a sense of how it worked."

Writer: kmanring
Date: Jan 24 2014 8:41 PM

a: cell cycle ~
b: a life cycle


"The cell cycle is like a life cycle. We talk about life cycles as from one generation to the next. Cell cycles are from one cellular generation to the next... in other words, the cell cycle is from when a cell is first born until it divides. Your textbook describes the cell cycle in section 5.1.4, and Figure 5-8 shows their depiction of the cell cycle. I have made my own figure of the cell cycle, and that is shown below. "

Writer: Dawn A. Tamarkin, Ph.D.
Date: Jan 24 2014 8:39 PM

a: Cell cycle ~
b: assembly line

What: "If cell growth, DNA replication, or spindle assembly is slowed down, the entire cell cycle slows. Thus, this type of cell cycle is like an ''assemblyline'' or ''succession of dominoes'' "

Writer: James E. Ferrell, Jr
Date: Jan 24 2014 8:47 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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