Catholic Salad Dressing
a: Catholicism ~
b: Italian Salad Dressing
What: What is Catholicism? It is a mixture of many intellectual and political themes over the last 1700 or 2000 years, depending on how you count it. The 2 major ingredients are a Roman governing structure and a Jewish moral sensibility. In practice it ends up being like Italian Salad dressing, that is 2 incompatible phases, oil and water. The 2 major elements are Roman authoritarianism and Jewish asceticism. Think about it; Catholicism is rich, Roman and very authority driven. It is Italianized Christianity. At its heart it's an Italian institution that's conjoined with the teachings an ascetic Jew who ran around in the desert with very little to his name. Did Jesus live in a Baroque palace? How can these 2 traditions coexist in the same institution?
Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: Jun 28 2010 2:40 AM
# 498 Critique Analogy
Catholicism is like a well
a: Catholicism ~
b: a well
What: "Yet in our faith's history, and still practiced in some churches today is a tradition that is uniquely and exclusively ours. No other denomination can lay claim to Gregorian chant and high mass. Catholicism is like a well that has a depth that reaches all the way to Jesus's founding of the Christian faith. High mass is an outward sign of that connection."
Writer: A Customer
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:02 AM
# 1126 Critique Analogy
Catholicism is like the Prada of religions
a: Catholicism ~
b: the Prada of religions
What: " I never realized how freaky the Catholic Church is. So much pageantry. They actually use smoke and mirrors in their ceremony. How's that for a metaphor for that religion? I always thought christianity was strictly against luxury? Catholicism is like the Prada of religions. so much gold."
Writer: babyhitler
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:07 AM
# 1127 Critique Analogy
Catholicism is like the moral compass
a: Catholicism ~
b: the moral compass
What: "Remember I told you that Catholicism is like the moral compass, anchor, well being Irish American is... it gives me a historical frame of reference."
Writer: Sergeant Edward Burn
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:15 AM
# 1129 Critique Analogy
Catholicism Is Like Alcoholism
a: Catholicism ~
b: alcoholism
What: "In my humorous opinion, Catholicism is like alcoholism - once you're an alcoholic, the best you can be after that is a recovering alcoholic."
Writer: rjspindle
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:20 AM
# 1130 Critique Analogy
Catholicism Is Like A Cult
a: Catholicism ~
b: a cult
What: "The pope is just a man, like another preacher or rabbi or religious teacher, no more special than any other. Catholicism is like a cult. Go back to the simplicity of early Christianity."
Writer: killerwhale
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:22 AM
# 1131 Critique Analogy
Catholicism Is Like A Zip File
a: Catholicism ~
b: a zip file in their brains
What: "The steel grip of Catholicism is like a zip file in their brains. Turn the icon in your computer sideways, put it on top of your head, that's what it feels like to be on anti-deperessants when you really don't need them, and it's much the same as the grip the Church has on people who think the best way to protest against child sex abuse in the church is to stop donating to the church."
Writer: Kay Ebeling
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:25 AM
# 1132 Critique Analogy
Catholicism is like doing a cannonball
a: Catholicism ~
b: doing a cannonball
What: "What is the Catholic Church like? It's like coming across a pool of cold water on a hot day. The water is so cold that trying to tip-toe your way in just won't work. Some decide to cool their feet by wading in the shallow end. Catholicism is like doing a cannonball in the middle of the pool from a running start and finding her to satisfy you from head to toe."
Writer: Tim A. Troutman
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:27 AM
# 1133 Critique Analogy
a: Catholicism ~
b: a bottomless well
What: "Catholicism is like a bottomless well - the more you discover, the more there is left to discover. Or it's like a diamond mine - the more you take out, the more there is for future discovery. You can't possibly exhaust the Source."
Writer: Laura Lowder
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:39 AM
# 1136 Critique Analogy
Catholicism is like herpes:
a: Catholicism ~
b: herpes
What: "Uh. As my recovering Catholic friend put it, "Catholicism is like herpes: it's the gift that keeps on giving and stays with you forever."
Writer: Telsa Grills
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:49 AM
# 1140 Critique Analogy
The Roman Smorgasbord
a: Catholicism ~
b: eating at a smorgasbord
What: "From my viewpoint as a former Roman Catholic, Catholicism is like eating at a smorgasbord. Like choosing what food you want to eat, Catholics choose what they want to believe. For example, you have pro-life Catholics and pro-abortion Catholics. Various popes have spoken on this matter but the rank and file Catholics as well as many Catholic teachers have chosen to follow their own counsel. This thread is about why a person would leave the Roman Catholic Church. The lack of consistency of teaching is one reason I left. The unsupported additions to the faith are another."
Writer: Faith.Man
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:52 AM
# 1141 Critique Analogy
Catholicism is like an absolute monarchy;
a: Catholicism ~
b: an absolute monarchy
What: "If Catholicism predisposes the faithful to obedience, it certainly does not prepare them for inequality; but the contrary may be said of Protestantism, which generally tends to make men independent more than to render them equal. Catholicism is like an absolute monarchy; if the sovereign be removed, all the other classes of society are more equal than in republics."
Writer: Alexis de Tocquevill
Date: Aug 20 2011 10:57 AM
# 1143 Critique Analogy
Catholicism Is Like A Rare Steak
a: Catholicism ~
b: a rare steak
What: "There are important differences, but there is also something that's the same. Catholicism is like a rare steak, is almost raw in some parts and almost well done in others. A Catholic may be almost Orthodox (certainly a Catholic is not discouraged from trying to be almost Orthodox), and there are a lot of Catholics who believe that Vatican II says that the Reformers were right about everything (or something pretty close to that)."
Writer: Christos Jonathan Se
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:07 AM
# 1145 Critique Analogy
Catholicism is like the uniform of a soldier...
a: Catholicism ~
b: the uniform of a soldier
What: " Why are these liberal Catholics so anxious to display their liberalism and so careful to hide their Catholicism? Why, because Catholicism is like the uniform of a soldier. A uniform stands for something. It stands for a cause to which he who ears the uniform has pledged himself. By wearing the uniform, the soldier publicly declares that he has dedicated himself to the cause of his country, and that he is ready to fight, to suffer and to die for it. Even so does the ordinary Catholic who practices his religion."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:10 AM
# 1146 Critique Analogy
Catholicism Is Like Western Hinduism
a: Catholicism ~
b: the Hinduism of the western world
What: "In one sense, they could still understand what had happened to me as long as I remained a Catholic. I had just become more zealous. Some Catholics are like that: they become more Mary-centred; others become more social justice-centred. I just happened to be Jesus-centred. They say Catholicism is like the Hinduism of the western world: it can absorb lots of things. It is only when you decide that you can't be a part of it that the trouble starts."
Writer: Ray Galea
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:20 AM
# 1148 Critique Analogy
Catholicism is like a bowl of spaghetti
a: Catholicism ~
b: a bowl of spaghetti
What: Once she surprised devotees by saying: "Catholicism is like a bowl of spaghetti - full of different strands. It is only if you eat them altogether that it will do you any good."
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:23 AM
# 1149 Critique Analogy
Catholicism Is Like A Large, Loving Family
a: Catholicism ~
b: a large loving family
What: "I have always found that Catholicism is like a large, loving family. The individual members may loudly disagree with some interpretations but they are one family and in the end, love being with each other. Catholicism is a large tent. That's why I love it.
There is a wonderful book by Kerry Kennedy called 'Being Catholic Now'. It is made up of small essays by very different people....all Catholic or raised Catholic."
Writer: Roses
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:26 AM
# 1150 Critique Analogy
Catholicism Is Like Solid Rock
a: Catholicism ~
b: solid rock
What: "My opinion to the current role of Christianity is joyful! Christianity is strong yet diverse! Catholicism is like solid rock and refuses to be pushed around. Filled with dogma and access, it swings bats with the big boys in the international world. Its education is superb and always on demand. Charismatic Christianity is more flexible and lay back. They take streets and try deeply to spread the good news. Greek Orthodoxy has held onto tradition and can give one an early Christian experience."
Writer: loveitself
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:32 AM
# 1151 Critique Analogy
Catholicism Is Like A Rose
a: Catholicism ~
b: a rose
What: "Catholicism is like a rose. Bright and gaudy on the surface but underneath, it's full of pricks." So are women for that matter. But women should be described as "prickly" and not pricks, for obvious reasons.
Writer: Woody B
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:38 AM
# 1154 Critique Analogy
Catholicism, The Technicolor Christians
a: Catholicism ~
b: being Christian in Technicolor
What: "From a Catholic in the American South, where the dominant traditions are life-loving Anglican cavalier vs dour Presbyterian (and variants) frontiersman, a warm welcome. A Virginia lady from the former tradition converted to Catholicism and told her family (cf your own analogy): "Catholicism is like being Christian in Technicolor." Amen."
Writer: Americanus
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:56 AM
# 1158 Critique Analogy
Catholicsim As Dirty Covered Sistine Chapel
a: Catholicism ~
b: Dirty Covered Sistine Chapel
What: One of the best takes on the contemporary Catholic Church. See the link for Andrew's monologue about Catholicism. He compares the Church as something beautiful covered with dirt, referring to the rigid Orthodoxies of the priest hierarchy. The idea need a little work, but is worth expanding upon.
Writer: Andrew Sullivan
Date: Dec 20 2011 9:13 PM
# 1581 Critique Analogy
Pass The Dressing
a: Catholicism ~
b: an over bearing Italian Mother
What: What more needs to be said? If you look at this institution, which is before anything else, an Italian form of christianity, it has a longevity that is rare for such things. My feeling is that there is a deeper driving force for this institution. It's a Mediterranean cult religion that will never let go of the power it once had. And if the prayers of the ruling clique come true, they may return to their glory days. But, in the end, the driving force is a mediterranean sense of the feminine that is unique and distinct from other places.
Writer: LucretiaMia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: May 13 2012 1:10 PM
# 2119 Critique Analogy
Today's Catholicism
a: Catholicism today ~
b: a good meal being served on a dirty plate
What: "Today's Catholicism is like a good meal being served on a dirty plate. Your institutional church has been hijacked and you as a group have the ability to take it back and restore its wholeness and respect in the eyes of the world."
Writer: John Shuster
Date: Aug 19 2011 11:19 AM
# 1125 Critique Analogy
Catholicism In Mexico
a: Catholicism in mexico ~
b: the description below
What: "One reason I cannot stand the conservative Catholic Internet, for example, is because of their worship of the Pope and bishops. As a Latin male, I cannot help but think that such sycophancy is a bit effeminate: "ellos quieren que yo sea el monaguillo del cura" (they want me to be that stupid priest's altar boy). (I don't mean this at all in any homophobic sense.) While I do go to Mass every Sunday and sometimes am edyfied by it, another part of me is spiritually sitting in the town plaza smoking a cigarette, telling dirty jokes to my buddies while I wait for my wife to get out of Mass. You know, how Catholicism is like in Mexico for my compadres."
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 20 2011 11:48 AM
# 1156 Critique Analogy
![Green Venn Diagram](./php/img/base-venn-diagram-2.jpeg)
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