

a: Carotenoids ~
b: chlorophyll b


" Carotenoids are like chlorophyll b: they cannot substitute chlorophyll a in photosynthesis; energy has to be transferred to chlorophyll a. They are red, orange, or yellow pigments found in all chloroplasts and in cyanobacteria "

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jan 14 2015 6:18 PM

a: Carotenoids ~
b: sunblock


"Lutein is an antioxidant found in carotenoid-rich foods, Francis said. "But before we talk about lutein, we first must understand carotenoid-rich foods. These foods contain a yellow pigment and include dark green, yellow and orange foods. If it is still difficult to remember, think carrots. The antioxidants found in carotenoid-rich foods help gather light pigments or colors that help protect your body's cells from UV light and oxygen. Carotenoids are like sunblock for the cells in your body."

Writer: Sarah Francis
Date: Jan 14 2015 6:20 PM

a: Carotenoids ~
b: bright oil paints


"The artistic pallet of tree colors is diverse. Carotenoids are like bright oil paints. The always variable
anthocyanins are like watercolors, blending across a tree covered landscape. Behind all these colors remain the
deep browns of tannins (the color of tea) and the basic light browns of tree tissues. The number of different
color combinations is almost infinite. See Appendix 1 for color expressed by species. In some forests, all the
colors contrast with evergreen trees. The colors in deciduous leaves eventually fade to brown, the color of the
earth. "

Writer: Dr. Kim D. Coder
Date: Jan 14 2015 6:22 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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