cardiovascular disease
"Cardiovascular disease is like a gun that is loaded by genetic factors but triggered by major risk factors, including hypertension, high cholesterol and obesity," said Dr. Bahram Eslami, chief of cardiovascular services at Hoag Hospital in Irvine.
"Cardiovascular disease is like a Swiss Army Knife: It has many moving parts, each of which can serve several functions."
"Cardiovascular disease is like a tsunami-widespread and deadly. Thousands of researchers around the world are working to keep it at bay."
"When we talk about the burden of heart or cardiovascular (ie heart and circulation) disease, we are not talking about how to stop or eliminate this disease completely. Cardiovascular disease is like a package, you will get it no matter what, it's the question of when. Therefore when we talk about reducing the burden of cardiovascular disease, we are talking about targeting the young people, or in other words reducing premature death or disability from cardiovascular disease."
"The relationship between obesity and cardiovascular disease is like Siamese twins. Where one is, you will find the other."

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