cardiac muscle


A+ For This Analogy...

a: Cardiac muscle ~
b: Russian doll


"Each cardiac muscle is like a Russian doll where division into smaller units always seems to be possible. The muscle itself is composed of a large number of muscle cells called muscle fibres or myocytes. In turn each muscle fibre is built up by many myofibrils, a cylindrical structure often as long as the muscle itself."

Writer: Charlotte Oom
Date: Dec 31 2013 10:14 PM

a: Cardiac muscle ~
b: the pistons in a car’s engine


"Cardiac muscle is like the pistons in a car's engine; it is the mechanical source that powers the
engine. However, without spark plugs, a battery, generator, alternator, and the other components
of the automobile's electrical system, the car would not function properly, even if its pistons and
cylinders were totally normal. Likewise, although cardiac muscle is specialized to contract and
pump blood, it can do so only when triggered by the heart's electrical system. Therefore, if
abnormal electrical circuits in the heart become operative, they can profoundly affect the
mechanical activity of the heart "

Writer: Michael R. Lauer, MD, PhD
Date: Dec 31 2013 10:13 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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