A Leaky Carburetor
a: A carburetor ~
b: a little toilet
What: "Try tapping on the carb while the key is on, see if the dripping stops. It's possible that the needles need help seating. Otherwise you need to take the tops off and double check things to see if the floats are floating and the needles open and close freely. A carburetor is like a little toilet, when the bowl is full the flow should stop."
Writer: 2NA
Date: Oct 1 2013 5:59 PM
# 3712 Critique Analogy
Mechanical Cause And Effect
a: A carburetor ~
b: mechanical computer
What: "In some ways, a carburetor is like a mechanical, rather than electronic, computer. It is "programmed" by the design engineer to do different things at different times, depending on the operational needs of the engine. Varying physical characteristics of airflow and fuel flow are utilized to help the carburetor to adjust itself to a variety of different needs and conditions of the operating engine, and the demands of the vehicle operator."
Writer: bbodie52
Date: Oct 1 2013 6:02 PM
# 3713 Critique Analogy
a: A carburetor ~
b: your nose is to an athlete
What: "The carburetor is like your nose is to an athlete, if they can't breath it makes it difficult for them to run. As I sit on the bike, you can see how close my leg is to the opening of the carburetor and if the engine was running as is without the air cleaner, my pant leg would be sucked into the carb. If the air cleaner sticks out too far, there won't be any room for my leg and I won't be able to ride the bike."
Writer: indianscout
Date: Oct 1 2013 6:11 PM
# 3716 Critique Analogy
a: a carburetor ~
b: a mechanical clock
What: "A carburetor is like a mechanical clock versus an electronic one. It will continue to work well with the occasional cleaning; when the digital gives trouble, you're better off buying a new one."
Writer: KevinW
Date: Oct 1 2013 6:13 PM
# 3717 Critique Analogy
a: The carburetor ~
b: old Remmington typewriter
What: "The fuel injection systems are way of today's biking and they are less of hassles and makes biking easy in any condition. You will ONLY be ridiculed if you still hang on to the carburetor. To give an analogy the carburetor is like old Remmington typewriter and fuel injection is like a computer keyboard......suits you whichever."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 1 2013 6:05 PM
# 3715 Critique Analogy
A Staging Area For Gasoline
a: Carburetor barrel ~
b: a tube or pipe
What: "A carburetor barrel is like a tube or pipe that holds the air inside before the fuel is mixed with it. The air is in the "barrel", while the gasoline is in a small container nearby."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 1 2013 6:15 PM
# 3718 Critique Analogy

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.