carbon monoxide
You Can't See It, But It's There.....
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: a ghost
What: "Carbon monoxide is like a ghost in that it's difficult to prove its presence -it's colorless, odorless, and tasteless. None of our 5 senses can detect it's presence. You have to have a detector."
Writer: Wendy Sue Swanson, MD, MBE
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:13 PM
# 3428 Critique Analogy
A Poison It Is......
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: a taxi passenger that refuses to get off
What: "Carbon monoxide is poisonous as it has a higher affinity to haemoglobin(the protein that makes your blood cells red),froming carboxyhaemoglobin.In essence,carbon monoxide is like a taxi passenger that refuses to get off at his destination as he doesn't have the fee.Therefore more passengers,a.k.a oxygen molecules,cant bind with haemoglobin,so we die of suffocation,which will feel like losing consciousness.Not very painful,but it is faster."
Writer: The Gasconni
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:14 PM
# 3429 Critique Analogy
A Proxy For Hydrogen In Space?
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: a lighthouse
What: "The hydrogen spectra get lost on the way, but carbon monoxide is like a lighthouse - its spectra are observed more often than those of any other molecule," Szalewicz says. "You can indirectly tell what the density of hydrogen is from the carbon monoxide spectra."
Writer: Krzysztof Szalewicz, professor of physics
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:19 PM
# 3430 Critique Analogy
It Pushes Oxygen Around....
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: bully
What: "When someone breathes in CARBON MONOXIDE there is a big change. Carbon monoxide is like a bully. He pushes oxygen off his seat on the bus, and will not get off, he is here for the joy ride. Because oxygen cannot get onto the bus, the cells do not get any oxygen and so cannot continue to work properly. The more carbon monoxide that is riding the hemoglobin bus the less effectively the cells can work, and they may start to die."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:21 PM
# 3431 Critique Analogy
It's Not Visable And Moves Fast.....
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: a thief in the night
What: "Carbon monoxide is like a thief in the night, quietly and quickly travelling
undetected through your home to replace the oxygen in your blood. It is a
silent, colorless and odorless gas that is deadly. The National Safety Council
estimates that 200 to 300 unintentional deaths occur each year due to
carbon monoxide poisoning."
Writer: Paula Duffy
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:23 PM
# 3432 Critique Analogy
Carbon Monoxide The Song.....
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: pact with modern society
What: "For about a year when I was listening to this song I always though it was talking about suicide and killing yourself in your car and etc. But now I don't think it is. I think that the handshake of carbon monoxide is like a pact with modern society of just having a suffocating job and thinking having a quiet life by having this pretty house and this pretty garden and then thinking that everything will be alright by doing what society's expecting from you" A whole page discussing a song called "handshake of carbon monoxide"
Writer: Mygalej
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:28 PM
# 3433 Critique Analogy
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: airborne iocane powder
What: "Just remember: Carbon monoxide is like airborne iocane powder and is not to be trifled with. It's like getting involved in a land war in Asia: You would never do that either."
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:30 PM
# 3434 Critique Analogy
Poisoned Spirits, Poisoned Air?
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: an unhealthy church culture
What: "He uses the example of how carbon monoxide is like an unhealthy church culture, that as it is unnoticed, can become deadly. While he creates a convincing argument regarding the hierarchy of culture over vision, we must consider that this is sort of a "chicken and egg" scenario. Without vision of a healthy culture, the culture can by default, be toxic due to human nature. Perhaps vision is a partner with culture and not simply a by product."
Writer: Samuel Chand
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:33 PM
# 3435 Critique Analogy
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.