carbon dioxide
The Mounth Is A Tail Pipe.....
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: the human body's exhaust
What: "Carbon dioxide is like the human body's exhaust. Our lungs are the specialized organs where gas exchange takes place. Gas exchange means simply that one gas is exchanged for another in the lungs. In the lungs there are many finely branched tiny blood vessels (actually called capillaries) as we inhale oxygen-rich air, the oxygen in the air binds to the blood in the capillaries as they pass through the
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 22 2013 6:51 PM
# 3420 Critique Analogy
The Carbon/sugar High???
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: sugar for the planet
What: "Carbon dioxide is like sugar for the planet - it boosts plant growth and makes the climate warmer - and observations show that our emissions are having a dangerous effect. In any case, our environmental problems extend far beyond global warming, and there are many reasons to reduce our impact on the planet. The realization that we are out of our depth may open the way to a more immediate and direct response. As I discuss in the book, mathematical models are powerful and essential tools in many areas of science, and they help us understand complex systems like the weather, the economy, or our own bodies. But we shouldn't rely on them to predict the future."
Writer: David Orrell
Date: Jul 22 2013 6:57 PM
# 3422 Critique Analogy
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: a fertilizer for trees
What: "The good news about climate change for Northwest forests is that carbon dioxide is like a fertilizer for trees, increasing growth in some species by up to 50 percent."
Writer: Nick Perry
Date: Jul 22 2013 6:59 PM
# 3423 Critique Analogy
A One Way Street.....
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: glass
What: "Carbon dioxide has a special effect because it is transparent to most of the sun's radiation except that
in the infrared region of the spectrum. In this respect,
carbon dioxide is like glass, which readily transmits
visible light, but reflects infrared. This is what makes
glass so useful in a greenhouse in the winter. Visible
energy enters through the glass, is absorbed by the soil
in the greenhouse, and then is converted to heat, which
is reradiated from the soil as infrared energy."
Writer: Andrew Jamison
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:02 PM
# 3424 Critique Analogy
A Coffee Decaffination Process
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: a magnet
What: "The beans are soaked in a bath of supercritical carbon dioxide at very high pressure for about 10 hours. The carbon dioxide is like a magnet and attracts all the caffeine molecules. When the pressure is reduced the CO2 evaporates. This process has the advantage of not using any harmful substances and does not chemically affect the proteins or carbohydrates of the bean."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:04 PM
# 3425 Critique Analogy
A Carbon Dioxide Mosquito Trap......
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: dinner bell
What: "Lots of things attract mosquitoes but carbon dioxide is the most effective," Masters said. "Carbon dioxide is like a dinner bell to them." A discussion of this invention in the link.
Writer: Dr. Ed Masters
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:07 PM
# 3426 Critique Analogy
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: French fries
What: A discussion of the effect of varying levels of carbon dioxide and nitrogen on the growth of forests in the Mid-West.
Writer: Marcia Goodrich
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:10 PM
# 3427 Critique Analogy

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