The Molecular Bus
a: Carbon ~
b: bus with ten seats
What: "Another way to think of this is that carbon is like a bus with ten seats, and the six electrons of carbon are sitting in six of the seats. Carbon needs to fill up the other four seats." The rest is a good discussion of valence electrons in carbon. The bus seat metaphor could be used with other atoms.
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 22 2013 6:37 PM
a: carbon cycle ~
b: a Library
"The carbon cycle is like a Library.
The books on the shelves and on loan to the readers represent the carbon locked into biological systems and the CO2 in the atmosphere respectively."
Writer: izen
Date: Dec 15 2015 2:56 PM
a: carbon cycle ~
b: giant game of Tetris
see the linked video...
Writer: Joss Fong
Date: Dec 15 2015 2:57 PM
The Mounth Is A Tail Pipe.....
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: the human body's exhaust
What: "Carbon dioxide is like the human body's exhaust. Our lungs are the specialized organs where gas exchange takes place. Gas exchange means simply that one gas is exchanged for another in the lungs. In the lungs there are many finely branched tiny blood vessels (actually called capillaries) as we inhale oxygen-rich air, the oxygen in the air binds to the blood in the capillaries as they pass through the
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 22 2013 6:51 PM
The Carbon/sugar High???
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: sugar for the planet
What: "Carbon dioxide is like sugar for the planet - it boosts plant growth and makes the climate warmer - and observations show that our emissions are having a dangerous effect. In any case, our environmental problems extend far beyond global warming, and there are many reasons to reduce our impact on the planet. The realization that we are out of our depth may open the way to a more immediate and direct response. As I discuss in the book, mathematical models are powerful and essential tools in many areas of science, and they help us understand complex systems like the weather, the economy, or our own bodies. But we shouldn't rely on them to predict the future."
Writer: David Orrell
Date: Jul 22 2013 6:57 PM
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: a fertilizer for trees
What: "The good news about climate change for Northwest forests is that carbon dioxide is like a fertilizer for trees, increasing growth in some species by up to 50 percent."
Writer: Nick Perry
Date: Jul 22 2013 6:59 PM
A One Way Street.....
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: glass
What: "Carbon dioxide has a special effect because it is transparent to most of the sun's radiation except that
in the infrared region of the spectrum. In this respect,
carbon dioxide is like glass, which readily transmits
visible light, but reflects infrared. This is what makes
glass so useful in a greenhouse in the winter. Visible
energy enters through the glass, is absorbed by the soil
in the greenhouse, and then is converted to heat, which
is reradiated from the soil as infrared energy."
Writer: Andrew Jamison
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:02 PM
A Coffee Decaffination Process
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: a magnet
What: "The beans are soaked in a bath of supercritical carbon dioxide at very high pressure for about 10 hours. The carbon dioxide is like a magnet and attracts all the caffeine molecules. When the pressure is reduced the CO2 evaporates. This process has the advantage of not using any harmful substances and does not chemically affect the proteins or carbohydrates of the bean."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:04 PM
A Carbon Dioxide Mosquito Trap......
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: dinner bell
What: "Lots of things attract mosquitoes but carbon dioxide is the most effective," Masters said. "Carbon dioxide is like a dinner bell to them." A discussion of this invention in the link.
Writer: Dr. Ed Masters
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:07 PM
a: Carbon dioxide ~
b: French fries
What: A discussion of the effect of varying levels of carbon dioxide and nitrogen on the growth of forests in the Mid-West.
Writer: Marcia Goodrich
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:10 PM
You Can't See It, But It's There.....
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: a ghost
What: "Carbon monoxide is like a ghost in that it's difficult to prove its presence -it's colorless, odorless, and tasteless. None of our 5 senses can detect it's presence. You have to have a detector."
Writer: Wendy Sue Swanson, MD, MBE
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:13 PM
A Poison It Is......
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: a taxi passenger that refuses to get off
What: "Carbon monoxide is poisonous as it has a higher affinity to haemoglobin(the protein that makes your blood cells red),froming carboxyhaemoglobin.In essence,carbon monoxide is like a taxi passenger that refuses to get off at his destination as he doesn't have the fee.Therefore more passengers,a.k.a oxygen molecules,cant bind with haemoglobin,so we die of suffocation,which will feel like losing consciousness.Not very painful,but it is faster."
Writer: The Gasconni
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:14 PM
A Proxy For Hydrogen In Space?
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: a lighthouse
What: "The hydrogen spectra get lost on the way, but carbon monoxide is like a lighthouse - its spectra are observed more often than those of any other molecule," Szalewicz says. "You can indirectly tell what the density of hydrogen is from the carbon monoxide spectra."
Writer: Krzysztof Szalewicz, professor of physics
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:19 PM
It Pushes Oxygen Around....
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: bully
What: "When someone breathes in CARBON MONOXIDE there is a big change. Carbon monoxide is like a bully. He pushes oxygen off his seat on the bus, and will not get off, he is here for the joy ride. Because oxygen cannot get onto the bus, the cells do not get any oxygen and so cannot continue to work properly. The more carbon monoxide that is riding the hemoglobin bus the less effectively the cells can work, and they may start to die."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:21 PM
It's Not Visable And Moves Fast.....
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: a thief in the night
What: "Carbon monoxide is like a thief in the night, quietly and quickly travelling
undetected through your home to replace the oxygen in your blood. It is a
silent, colorless and odorless gas that is deadly. The National Safety Council
estimates that 200 to 300 unintentional deaths occur each year due to
carbon monoxide poisoning."
Writer: Paula Duffy
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:23 PM
Carbon Monoxide The Song.....
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: pact with modern society
What: "For about a year when I was listening to this song I always though it was talking about suicide and killing yourself in your car and etc. But now I don't think it is. I think that the handshake of carbon monoxide is like a pact with modern society of just having a suffocating job and thinking having a quiet life by having this pretty house and this pretty garden and then thinking that everything will be alright by doing what society's expecting from you" A whole page discussing a song called "handshake of carbon monoxide"
Writer: Mygalej
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:28 PM
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: airborne iocane powder
What: "Just remember: Carbon monoxide is like airborne iocane powder and is not to be trifled with. It's like getting involved in a land war in Asia: You would never do that either."
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:30 PM
Poisoned Spirits, Poisoned Air?
a: Carbon monoxide ~
b: an unhealthy church culture
What: "He uses the example of how carbon monoxide is like an unhealthy church culture, that as it is unnoticed, can become deadly. While he creates a convincing argument regarding the hierarchy of culture over vision, we must consider that this is sort of a "chicken and egg" scenario. Without vision of a healthy culture, the culture can by default, be toxic due to human nature. Perhaps vision is a partner with culture and not simply a by product."
Writer: Samuel Chand
Date: Jul 22 2013 7:33 PM
a: Carbon fixation ~
b: water condensation
This is a crude analogy but it may help some understand what is occurring when plants fix carbon. With water condensation, water is changing from a gaseous phase to a solid phase. Then if it freezes, it's final form is solid. When carbon is fixed, carbon dioxide is being transformed from a gaseous form to a sold form through the energy derived from photosynthesis. The fixation of carbon is both a physical and chemical change. The gas CO2 is converted into a sugar, a solid
Writer: Lucrezia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Dec 6 2014 2:05 PM
a: carbon footprint ~
b: Sasquatch walking through snow
"Here's the deal: My carbon footprint is like a Sasquatch walking through snow. It's huge. I drive a lot, I fly a lot, I am alone right now in this 2,600 square foot house with three separate air conditioner units on, I like boats and pools, and I'm not even very good at recycling. I know this is a personal failing, in that I use up way more energy than I should, but is it a moral and spiritual failing?"
Writer: Mark Osler
Date: Dec 6 2014 1:31 PM
a: carbon footprint ~
b: a baby shoe
" just bought a hybrid and I am totally doing my part! My carbon footprint is like, a baby shoe! I am a better human than that fat man spreading mayonnaise on his belly! Wait, what? Not all hybrids are created equal? Some just flat-out blow? WHOA! I sure hope I fall on the right side of that fence! "
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Dec 6 2014 1:33 PM
a: carbon footprint ~
b: a giant Doc Marten
"I'll admit to a bit of a love for playing with their interactive routemap, too. I like thinking about how and where I'd start on an open-jaw lightweight dash around Europe. Newquay to Girona for Barcelona. Girona to Billund. Overland to Hamburg, then Hamburg to Milan. Overland to Turin, then Turin to Trapani. The carbon footprint is like a giant Doc Marten...but it's fun to play with the routemap."
Writer: 44john
Date: Dec 6 2014 1:35 PM
a: carbon footprint ~
b: Chinese footbinding
"All these hippies trying to get people to reduce their carbon footprint is like a form of tree hugging ancient Chinese footbinding. I refuse to be a part of this torture and subjugation. That is why I am typing this blog with my toes while spraying two aerosol cans in the air and crushing styrofoam cups with my butt-cheeks. "
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Dec 6 2014 1:38 PM
a: carbon footprint ~
b: a full sized 1985 Blazer
"He loves meat, it's what gives him is bulk and the energy to work. They head to the dump twice a week to heave cans, glass and milk cartons into the landfill. His carbon footprint is like a full sized 1985 Blazer."
Writer: Podunk Wars
Date: Dec 6 2014 2:00 PM
a: carbon combustion ~
b: a gun shot into the air
"But carbon combustion is like a gun shot into the air. Relatively harmless until we regard each automobile delivering millions of Carbon shots into the air. Millions of cars a day for 50 or 100 years. All of a sudden we got GHG bullets falling everywhere. And it will get worse. "
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 29 2015 5:24 PM
a: Carbon filtration ~
b: Swiss cheese
"The water then is passed through grains of carbon that has been "activated" - superheated so that vast numbers of tiny pores are opened up to trap particles that might remain in the water. It's like punching millions of additional holes in a block of Swiss cheese, said Daniel Olson of Arcadis U.S. Inc., the project engineer."
Writer: Daniel Olson
Date: Sep 17 2015 3:32 PM
On Mars That Is.....
a: Atmospheric carbon dioxide ~
b: chemical spy
What: "Atmospheric carbon dioxide is like a chemical spy," said Paul Niles, a space scientist at NASA's Johnson Space Center in Houston. "It infiltrates every part of the surface of Mars and can indicate the presence of water and its history."
Writer: Paul Niles
Date: Jul 22 2013 6:53 PM
4 Most Common
a: carbon hydrogen oxygen nitrogen ~
b: the molecular legos
that constitute a majority of the mass of most organisms.
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Sep 2 2017 11:06 AM