

a: California ~
b: voluptuous temperamental lover


"California is like a voluptuous, temperamental lover. She changes her moods and colors in instant. Now she is cold. And then she is hot. The scramble starts. Where does one find the next perfect location that brings out her best in this new color she has chosen? The team moved from snow to the allure of California's stunning, mist-draped coastline. The magic of Ranjan Palit's camera gives it a new life on each frame."

Writer: Nandini Pal
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 7 2014 10:35 AM

a: California ~
b: Mirage


"Like other transplants I spoke to in Nevada, Herndandez didn't want to leave California. It's home. It's where she went to school and where her parents still live in the house she grew up in. But unless you choose a career that will pay you a small fortune to manage costs driven higher by a stubborn shortage of new housing, California is not a dream, it's a mirage."

Writer: Steve Lopez
Date: Dec 3 2017 6:58 PM

a: California ~
b: Saudia Arabia


Arabia has Oil California has big tech

Writer: Peter Thiel
Date: Aug 20 2024 11:59 AM

a: California roll ~
b: the gateway drug


"The California roll is like the gateway drug of sushi. It may have been your first stint, easing your way into the world of a cuisine that first feels exotic to many Western eyes and palates."

Writer: Kate Bratskeir
Date: May 23 2015 11:53 AM

a: California weather ~
b: elevator music


"California weather is like boring elevator music when compared to Irish weather, which is like a Mahler symphony or a Verdi opera."

Writer: West Cork People
Date: Jul 28 2015 6:33 PM

California Finances

a: California finances ~
b: Bankrupt family

What: "She compared the state's situation to a family with a mortgaged house, maxed out credit cards and zero savings. She said her outspokenness on the topic at public meetings and other forums has caused some at the Capitol to tell her she is apocalyptic, and she said she has been asked to quiet down."

Writer: Diane Harkey
Date: Feb 23 2010 3:51 PM

Northern California Culture

a: Northern California Culture is becoming ~
b: the Culture portrayed in Ecotopia

What: This book portrays the succession of Northern California, Oregon and Washington into a single sovereign state based on sound ecological principles. Some of the key features are bicycle transportation, mag-lev trains and government of Lesbian Druids. I must say, that the book was enjoyable, but the political subtext in the novel should be abhorrent to any freethinking American. In short Callenbach is advocating lesbionic totalitarianism based on a protecting the natural world. This is not protecting other human beings, it means protecting nature itself, as if it were a citizen with rights. It doesn't say anything in the US Constitution about the natural world having Rights. If you look at the environmental movement in the past 30/40 years, that has been the driving premise. It a horrid conflation of natural based religion mixed with left wing progression politics. As this is written, there is a freakish sense of the feminine that has pervaded this area,The Bay Area, since I've lived here. Who knows how this will play out in the future.

Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Date: Oct 22 2010 9:25 AM

Green Venn Diagram

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