

a: cache ~
b: desk


"A cache is like a desk. Picking up a document from the desk takes very little time. Getting it from the filing cabinet takes a lot longer."

Writer: Sri Parameswaran et al.
Date: Aug 29 2014 7:47 PM

a: Cache ~
b: junk drawer

What: "In a previous posts, SQL Server pros Patrick O'Keefe and Richard Douglas provided some tips on managing the SQL Server plan cache . If the plan cache is like the junk drawer on the bottom of your filing cabinet that stores some usefully, but also a lot of infrequently used stuff, the buffer cache is like the workspace folder on your desktop. It's the folder that has become a memory bank for files that you need handy or have in progress, and don't want to go searching through drives to access through a more cumbersome path. "

Writer: Patrick O'Keefe and Richard Douglas
Date: Aug 29 2014 7:49 PM

a: cache ~
b: a smart librarian


"A cache is like a smart librarian. When a patron asks for a Harry Potter book, the librarian goes looking for it on the shelves (i.e., the hard drive) and comes back with it along with the other Harry Potter books that were filed around it. This material is kept in a special place behind the desk (cache memory) so that when other patrons ask for a Harry Potter book, the librarian can retrieve it much more quickly. It's an efficient system indeed."

Writer: Larry Schneider
Date: Aug 29 2014 7:51 PM

a: cache ~
b: table at a restaurant


"To revisit the restaurant analogy, on-die L2 cache is like having a larger table at the restaurant where the waiter can pre-position your favorite foods."

Writer: Scott M. Mueller, ‎Mark Edward Soper, ‎Barrie Sosinsky
Date: Aug 29 2014 7:58 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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