burning man


Where Are The Trees?

a: Burning man ~
b: an inclusive Bohemian Grove

What: " Burning Man is like an inclusive Bohemian Grove. It is a world of privilege and that my friends is a white man's thing."

Writer: Caveat Magister
Date: Apr 21 2012 4:17 PM

But Where Is The Cigar?

a: Burning man ~
b: sitting on Freud's couch with a geisha

What: "For oh so many of us, going to Burning Man is like sitting on Freud's couch with a geisha. The intensity, the sexuality, the art, the closeness to this natural yet alien landscape ... these ingredients are a potent alchemy. "

Writer: Caveat Magister
Date: Apr 21 2012 4:18 PM


a: Burning man ~
b: art without the money

What: "Someone once remarked, "Burning Man is like art without the money." These artists are not thinking about the likelihood of selling their work; rather, they are creating it as a gift to the community."

Writer: Christine Kristen
Date: Apr 21 2012 4:20 PM

A Big Desert Flower It Is

a: Burning man ~
b: the sporulation of a stalk

What: "The week of Burning Man is like the sporulation of a stalk that took a long time to grow. In the process of editing the movie, we talked about how that was an important aspect to communicate."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Apr 21 2012 4:23 PM

Grumpy Old Liberal?

a: Burning man ~
b: herpes

What: "Burning Man would be bad enough if it simply existed somewhere far away. Like the Tea Party or pirates, an abstract I only had to encounter when I clicked on a specific link to a Yahoo story. Or if I still lived in Connecticut. But I live in the Bay Area, where Burning Man is like herpes. The shit is everywhere."

Writer: Joe Clifford
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 21 2012 4:28 PM

The Best Analogy Of The Day:

a: Burning man ~
b: giant organic human sand Mandala

What: "Burning Man is like this giant organic human sand Mandala. You know...one of those beautiful works of temporary art painstakingly crafted by Tibetan monks,- only to be blown away in the wind after it is created. That is precisely the way i comprehend what Burning Man is."

Writer: RFarthing
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 21 2012 4:32 PM

I Need Some Tire Gel

a: Burning man ~
b: a car wash for your soul

What: " A week of Burning Man is like a car wash for the soul. You go in with all this gunky black stuff constraining and blocking the light. You come out all shiny, bright, and in many cases glowing."

Writer: Dave Ford
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Apr 21 2012 4:36 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.