

a: bullying ~
b: air pollution


"Bullying erodes the whole school-based community," says Warren Heydenberk. "Kids get shut down; they don't want to go to school. But bullying is like air pollution. If you can open the windows and clear it out, all the kids are better."

Writer: Roberta Heydenber
Date: Jul 14 2014 6:03 PM

a: Bullying ~
b: toxic vapour


"Bullying is an insidious, constant feature of life at most schools. Any attempt to minimise, trivialise or employ band-aid techniques to reduce it will only lead to sad, traumatised students and parents. Bullying is like toxic vapour. It can flow from all sides. Teachers, students and other parents will bully those less powerful."

Writer: Evelyn M. Field
Date: Jul 14 2014 6:05 PM

a: bullying ~
b: getting inoculated


"Bullying is a vital part of every ecosystem, it teaches kids resilience. The world is a rough place; bullying is like getting inoculated. It's a vaccine! And you little shits, you got to learn to stay away from people like my son. That's what you learn when you get punched in the face by a bully! How you think Steve Jobs turned out so great? Bullies. And I guarantee you junior here will be getting the hottest chicks when he's 30, because he got bullied today. What, you want to hit the peak now? My kid will be picking roadside garbage up in an orange jump suit in 10 years, and your kid in med school, curing cancer, and getting laid. You're welcome!"

Writer: Frank
Date: Jul 14 2014 6:09 PM

a: bullying ~
b: a slow poison


"Bullying is like a slow poison. It destroys lives and costs organisations far more than the huge fines. Organisations where bullying exists suffer from atrophy. Bullied staff and bystanders are usually disengaged from their work, whilst bullies are too often promoted or transferred. To the individual the costs of workplace bullying can be long term depression, anxiety, psychiatric illness, physical illness an suicide. Costs to the organisation of psychological harm can be litigation, personal liability, Fair work Commission (formerly Fair Work Australia) and WorkCover compensation claims as well as low productivity and morale, high stress leave, absenteeism, presenteeism (at work but not productive), staff turnover, cost of recruiting and training new staff, workplace sabotage, violence and in some cases suicide or murder. "

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 14 2014 6:10 PM

a: Bullying ~
b: a tide

What: "Bullying is like a tide. Sometimes the wind blows stronger and the tide wreaks havoc on everything in its path. The culture of bullying is so strong that it's extremely difficult to stop it. It demands courage strength and tenacity."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 14 2014 6:13 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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