

a: building ~
b: floats' in a sea of soil


"It is called a raft because the building is like a vessel that 'floats' in a sea of soil. Mat Foundations are used where the soil is week, and therefore building loads ..."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Sep 15 2016 4:08 PM

a: building ~
b: smorgasbord


"Seriously, this building is like a smorgasbord of fashionable design motifs rolled into a bizarre omelette"

Writer: Zoe Rosenberg
Date: Sep 15 2016 4:10 PM

a: building ~
b: pond


"According to a new study, many dark, shiny surfaces, including buildings, asphalt roads, and even gravestones, can confuse--and ultimately harm--insects and other tnimals because of the way they reflect ligh"

Writer: Phil Berardelli
Date: Sep 15 2016 4:13 PM

a: building ~
b: human being


"Superiority in a building is like superiority in a human being. A superior man is one who is above doing an inferior thing-a superior building is one which is ..."

Writer: Frank Lloyd Wright
Date: Sep 15 2016 4:16 PM

a: Building a laser ~
b: A long climb


"Challenge. It probably goes without saying that the production of coherent light - even if for a short time - from a totally homemade laser represents a tremendous achievement with enormous satisfaction value. Why do people climb mountains? Building a laser is like climbing from the depths of the Pacific to the top of Everest and beyond. Note: If you don't believe this then you will probably not have enough motivation to complete the project!"

Writer: Samuel M. Goldwasser
Date: Feb 21 2014 5:52 PM

All The Right Stuffs/in The Right Places

a: Rebuilding a motor ~
b: baking a cake

What: "Building or Rebuilding a motor is like baking a cake.I want the chef that knows what ingredients to ad"

Writer: Halfhooked
Date: Oct 3 2013 10:41 AM

a: Rebuilding any carburetor ~
b: brain surgery

What: "I think you still have carburetor issues. Rebuilding any carburetor is like brain surgery. It must be done in a totally clean environment and you must know exactly what you are doing. Anything less and it's easy to make mistakes. How confident are you in the quality of your rebuild job?"

Writer: 71skylark3504v
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 1 2013 6:03 PM

A Nano-sculpture.....

a: Building a 3-d protein model ~
b: looking at a piece of sculpture in a gallery

What: "Building a 3-D model is like looking at a piece of sculpture in a gallery. Only by walking around the piece and viewing its various sides and angles can the brain build a mental image of the art and fully comprehend its dimension, perspective, and scale. The same is true using a computer. Only by piecing together many different views of a molecule from a microscope can a computer build a model of the molecular assembly."

Writer: Jason Socrates Bardi
Date: Oct 8 2014 4:34 PM

Afghanistan As Mudpie

a: State-building in afghanistan ~
b: baking a pavlova with mud

What: "The concept of state-building as part of irregular warfare or countering irregular threats is valid - so long as the makings are present in the state to be built. State-building in Afghanistan is like trying to bake a pavlova with only mud pie ingredients."

Writer: SJP ONeill
Date: Mar 12 2012 6:41 PM

Team Film As Team Nfl

a: Building film production deals ~
b: NFL team signing free agents

What: "Building a team of production deals is something like an NFL team's signing free agents in the off season. You need some real star to be the leaders and the attention-getters so others will follow"

Writer: Mike Medavoy
Date: Jul 29 2012 4:32 PM

Engineering A Point Of A Care Device

a: Building a point of care device ~
b: Building the Golden Gate Bridge

What: The bridge was built from both sides. They didn't start on the San Francisco side and start building. First, engineers determined that an anchorage could be built on both sides. Once each side had a strong foundation construction could begin. Point of care devices should follow a similar pattern; bridge the chemistry and the manufacturing process BEFORE the chemistry and manufacturing are set. Build the device from both sides. This insures that such devises can be built consistently and well.

Writer: mattyflynn
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jul 20 2010 9:13 AM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.