

Buddhism is like a version of Objectivism

a: Buddhism ~
b: a sensory-motor version of Objectivism

What: "And it occurred to me-Buddhism is like a sensory-motor version of Objectivism. Rand specialized in conceptual and productive rationality. The Buddha specialized more in sensory-motor rationality. What a complementary pair!"

Writer: Andrew Schwartz
Date: Aug 28 2011 6:33 PM

Buddhism Is Like A Shedding Snake.......

a: Buddhism ~
b: a snake's shedding of its skin

What: "The first Buddhism is like a snake‟s shedding of its skin. Here one maintains the same old self as the basis of learning. Although one‟s self gets more and more learned in this type of learning, there is no fundamental change in it. But, in the second Buddhism, one‟s self is challenged and negated. The old self dies and a new self is born."

Writer: Rev. Miyagi
Date: Aug 30 2011 1:49 PM

Buddhism as a gold mine

a: Buddhism ~
b: excavating a gold mine

What: "The process of learning Buddhism is like excavating a gold mine; although Buddha Nature is an intrinsic part of us, without spiritual cultivation, it is like gold buried deep within a mine that is never discovered."

Writer: Venerable Grand Mast
Date: Aug 30 2011 1:47 PM

Buddhism as Ice Cream?????

a: Buddhism ~
b: Ice Cream

What: "To prove it, let's take the word "suffering." You might have a problem with it. Suffering sounds so big-Haitian earthquake, Tucson rampage, financial meltdown big-when the kind of suffering most of us encounter every day is so embarrassingly trivial we might not even recognize it as suffering. More like WHO ATE THE REST OF MY MINT CHOCOLATE CHIP."

Writer: Karen Maezen Miller
Date: Nov 22 2011 7:07 PM

Buddhism As Pure Water

a: Buddhism ~
b: pure water

What: "Now think about this. Buddhism is like pure water. Buddha served that pure water to several groups. Some people received it in bottles, others in bowls, others in cups. Different groups received it in different containers. Our traditions - Therevada, Mahayana, and Tibetan - are like these containers. It's human nature to grasp onto the containers, give them labels, as we're doing now. But these are just the containers. We need to try to focus not on the container, but to simply use the container to access the water within. We have to realize that this is just a container. Still, where would the water be if there was no container."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Nov 22 2011 7:13 PM

Buddhism as prescription drugs

a: Buddhism ~
b: many prescription drugs

What: "Buddhism is like many prescription drugs. When taken in small doses, it can have some beneficial effects (e.g., reduction of anxiety, calming the mind, feeling motivated to be tolerant). To become a practicing Buddhist, one must overdose on it, however, and this is, as with most prescription drugs, hazardous to one's well being."

Writer: Not Sttated
Date: Nov 22 2011 7:32 PM

Buddhism As Modeling Clay

a: Buddhism ~
b: modeling clay

What: "This is not to say, however, that Buddhism is like modeling clay which can be made into an infinite variety of shapes. It is not."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Nov 22 2011 7:40 PM

Buddhism Is Like The Movie Matrix

a: Buddhism ~
b: the movie matrix

What: "Buddhism is like the movie matrix. people in the matrix think the events inside the computer is real but actually it is not. we people think the world is real that's why all evil dualism comes into being also reincarnation. people think that their dreams is real thus add meaning but in reality instead of finding purpose in life, they should embark on a quest to go to what is real that is emptiness."

Writer: freespace
Date: Nov 22 2011 7:48 PM

Buddhism is like Linux

a: Buddhism ~
b: Linux

What: "Buddhism is like Linux: there are many distros derived hierarchically from a common root and every one of them has its devoted users absolutely convinced that their's is the best one."

Writer: entropy_kills
Date: Nov 22 2011 7:50 PM

a: Buddhism in the West ~
b: spiritual fluff?


Writer: Barbara O'Brian
Date: Oct 20 2015 6:29 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.