brownian motion
Motion In Sound Waves....
a: Brownian motion ~
b: brown noise
What: "Brownian motion is like brown noise but in this case the drunkards random walk modulates a frequency instead of moving a sample amplitude. See the baudline spectrogram on the right for an example of a sine wave source that is being frequency modulated (FM) by the brownian motion function. "
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 17 2013 7:38 PM
# 3376 Critique Analogy
Moving Fish....
a: Brownian motion ~
b: fish in a pond
What: "Watching fish in a pond, seeing them move about in what looks like Brownian motion, is like watching politicians. Most seem unable to understand the difference between leadership and opposition. There is only so much food, so much oxygen in the pond. There are plenty of open mouths, lots of flapping gills, but no progress. Every fish seems focused only on its own stomach, with little care or concern for the others who must live or die in the same water."
Writer: Out Of My Mind
Date: Jul 17 2013 7:41 PM
# 3377 Critique Analogy

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