brain and nervous system
"Some people may get help from this med others it may not help. Thats why it can be so frustrating as it is still a trial and error system as medicine's knowledge of the brain and nervous system is like looking at an iceberg on the ocean: you only see 1/10 to 1/4 of what's there."
"Our Brain and Nervous System is like a good driver who uses the function when ever required."
"Animals have similar pathways and current running through them, yet their self-awareness is limited. I keep coming back to Sheldrak's theory of how the human brain and nervous system is like an antenna for consciousness, not the generator. So perhaps that explains why animals aren't like us, because their antennas can't receive the same frequency of consciousness we do."
![Green Venn Diagram](./php/img/base-venn-diagram-2.jpeg)
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