The link is a project that compares the human brain to a football game.
"The Midbrain is like a network cable of personal computer. A non-activated Midbrain is same as dial-up internet modem"
The teacher in the room controls the student's ability to focus their attention on homework by creating a quiet environment, and regulates the arousal of difficult kids.
The teacher in the room controls the student's ability to focus their attention on homework by creating a quiet environment, and regulates the arousal of difficult kids.
"Green states that the hindbrain is "like a fossil in your head (Green, 2014)." I wanted to post that because I thought it was an interesting way to look at your brain. Usually you do not compare your brain to a house, doll, or a fossil, but when you do it somehow makes more sense and is easier to remember in understanding the brain structures."
" The absolute worst thing you can do at this moment is to continue sitting around doing nothing. Your hindbrain is like a child that is focused on sticking a fork in an electrical outlet. You can't just tell the child "Don't do that." The child will now get more obsessed with the dangerous act. "
"The Hindbrain is like the snake or lizard section of out brain and is purely about survival. It is the 'fight' portion of the flight or fight response and in extreme situations will promote extreme responses to get us out of danger."
"The forebrain is like an onion with six successive layers of nervous tissue."
"The hindbrain may be the foundation for life functions, but the forebrain is like the floorboards upon which is erected the character of that life - who we are..."
"The brain is like a group of people talking to each other. When you're watching TV, the part of your brain that watches TV says "Shut up guys, I'm watching TV," so you can focus without thinking about cake or math. As a result, the others sit silent, grow bored, and fall asleep, until only the TV watcher part of the brain is left. Left by himself, he too gets bored and falls asleep."
"brain injury is like an earthquake in a city, changing, damaging, or destroying the roads and bridges in the city of the brain."
Once there was order and function. Then something breaks the glass window and it must be put back together. It can be put back together, but it's never the same.
Bread that's just come from the oven is warm, soft and pliable. It tastes good but has a limited shelf life. As the bread gets old it gets stale,it looses its fresh taste and becomes brittle. Brain plasticity is the capacity to turn stale bread into fresh bread. There are ways to turn stale bread into not so stale bread. Putting such bread into a steaming warm box often helps, but after this process, it is still rewarmed bread and not fresh bread.
"In my own view, reducing the mind to brain physiology is like reducing the art of Van Gogh to a chemical analysis of his paints. A phenomenon experienced subjectively does not thereby become unreal."
"In the book The Biology of Belief it is made quite clear how your environment and beliefs set the foundation to your life and cause you to attract life events to come into your life. It is as if your mind brain system is like a magic genie carrying forth your inner beliefs to the letter. If you have had challenging life situations then you can be sure that you have some limiting beliefs in your subconscious mind."
"The blood-brain barrier is like the moat outside a castle, preventing harmful invaders from entering."
"The blood-brain barrier is like a very fine sieve; only very small molecules can cross this layer and actually enter the brain."
" The blood-brain barrier is like a semi-permeable gate between the brain and bloodstream."
"The blood-brain barrier is like a border where customs officers, i.e. P-glycoproteins, only allow specific substances to pass through whilst ..."
"Some people may get help from this med others it may not help. Thats why it can be so frustrating as it is still a trial and error system as medicine's knowledge of the brain and nervous system is like looking at an iceberg on the ocean: you only see 1/10 to 1/4 of what's there."
"Our Brain and Nervous System is like a good driver who uses the function when ever required."
"Animals have similar pathways and current running through them, yet their self-awareness is limited. I keep coming back to Sheldrak's theory of how the human brain and nervous system is like an antenna for consciousness, not the generator. So perhaps that explains why animals aren't like us, because their antennas can't receive the same frequency of consciousness we do."
METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.