bose-einstein condensate
"A Bose-Einstein condensate is like atomic "groupthink" – a bunch of atoms behaves as if it was a single atom. This only happens thanks to quantum effects in certain elements, but only when they are incredibly cold – typically less than a billionth of a degree above absolute zero (-273.15 ºC)."
"A Bose-Einstein condensate is like a cold gas, but instead of liquefying into a high-density droplet at low temperatures, the gas particles remain dilute. However, they behave collectively like a large single quantum particle. To make electrons form a Bose-Einstein condensate, one must find a way to cause them to bind together in pairs before they can collapse into this curious low temperature phase."
"Bose Einstein Condensate is like a super cold plasma a billionth of a degree Kelvin above Absolute Zero. At Absolute Zero there is no longer any energetic motion within the atom, in a sense it is no longer physically active and at a position of total rest. At this temperature atoms and molecules are no longer separated as they are in other states of matter whether it be gas or liquid, instead they are woven together in a fluid unity. "
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