

a: Biomass ~
b: a photograph or snapshot

What: "Biological production can also be referred to as biomass, or standing crop. A measurement of biomass is like a photograph or snapshot in time, and only tells you the amount of organic matter present at the time of measurement. Biomass values do not indicate anything about the condition or quality of the organisms measured "

Writer: Christopher F. Knud-Hansen, Ph.D.
Date: Feb 7 2014 5:37 PM

a: biomass ~
b: a giant carbon cushion


"The first way to do this is to encourage the growth of biomass. This is relatively easy, but has limited potential. Biomass is like a giant carbon cushion: it can be thick or thin, but it cannot keep growing forever. Increasing the amount of biomass on Earth could draw down the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere a bit, but only if we also manage to cut our greenhouse gas emissions to practically zero."

Writer: Milan Ilnyckyj
Date: Feb 7 2014 5:45 PM

a: Biomass energy ~
b: solar battery


"Biomass energy is like a solar battery. Through the process of photosynthesis, the earth's hydrocarbon economy is constantly banking the sun's energy as biomass while fixing atmospheric carbon and releasing oxygen."

Writer: Nicholas Chambers
Date: May 20 2016 5:52 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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