being hardworking


a: being hardworking ~
b: chopping wood


"These are two different things - being hardworking is like chopping wood for two hours instead of twenty minutes, while being diligent is going the extra mile by keeping the axe sharpened, oiled and ready for use at all times. Diligence is the consistent following up and ensuring it cuts deep and efficiently."

Writer: David Tan
Date: Jan 28 2018 5:53 PM

a: being hardworking ~
b: digging in a coal mine


"Without a goal, being hardworking is like digging in a coal mine; with a goal you are on the path to become great if not the best at something. This year my goals started changing towards things that affect my future in a big way. The plan for the future is simple enough - try to be the best at everything I do, ..."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 28 2018 5:55 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.