Bethoven As Olympic Champion
a: Beethoven ~
b: the Olympic champion of classical music
What: "Beethoven is like the Olympic champion of classical music. Some of the music he wrote is strong and serious, and some of it is very gentle."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Nov 13 2011 8:33 PM
# 1467 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As Steak
a: Beethoven ~
b: steak
What: "Pop music is sugar, rock is acid (hah), Beethoven is like steak and Mozart is like ripe fruit (Besides being an outcast for liking classical music, I am also the weirdo who likes fruit). People just go for the sweets all the time." A nice comparison between music genres and food types.
Writer: Bryan Doherty
Date: Nov 13 2011 8:40 PM
# 1468 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As Egyptian Architecture
a: Beethoven ~
b: Ancient Egyptian architecture
What: "Beethoven is like Ancient Egyptian architecture, columns and lintels, static and unmoving. Even his "apotheosis of the dance" Seventh Symphony has beat, tempo, but no rhythm."
Writer: Paul Shoemaker
Date: Nov 13 2011 8:51 PM
# 1470 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As A Lion
a: Beethoven ~
b: a lion
What: "To compare Bach with Beethoven is like comparing an oak tree with a lion."
Read a short discussion about Beethoven's music.
Writer: WarrenBoroson
Date: Nov 13 2011 8:55 PM
# 1471 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As Private Conversation
a: Beethoven ~
b: eavesdropping on a private conversation
What: "Listening to the slow movement of the Beethoven is like eavesdropping on a private conversation."
Writer: otello
Date: Nov 13 2011 8:58 PM
# 1472 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As Big Old St. Bernard Dog
a: Beethoven ~
b: a great big old St. Bernard dog
What: "People take care of them, and Herr Beethoven is like a great big old St. Bernard dog, a deaf St. Bernard dog; and he's come here this afternoon just to watch you play "Fur Elise" and to borrow money from Daddy."
Writer: Harry Buschman
Date: Nov 13 2011 9:02 PM
# 1473 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As Shakespeare:
a: Beethoven ~
b: Shakespeare
What: "Some of my friends say Mozart is greater than Beethoven. But to me Beethoven is like Shakespeare: incomparable. With Beethoven it is Sturm und Drang (storm and stress), heaven-shaking music mixed with lyrical compositions and bagatelle gems like "Fur Elis"
Writer: Jake Highton
Date: Nov 13 2011 9:06 PM
# 1474 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As Rock
a: Beethoven ~
b: the rock of the 1800
What: "Beethoven is like the rock of the 1800s. The 9th symphony is so good to dance along to."
Writer: zarkia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 13 2011 9:08 PM
# 1475 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As A Japanese Brand Name
a: Beethoven ~
b: a brand name
What: "I think Beethoven is like a brand name for the Japanese," said Tairyo Wakayama, an amateur singer who performed at the Urayasu concert. "But at the end, I was very moved and had to swallow to clear my throat of emotion."
This is a discussion of why the Japanese like Beethoven.
Writer: Tairyo Wakayama
Date: Nov 13 2011 9:11 PM
# 1476 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As Brittany Spears
a: Beethoven ~
b: the Britney Spears of classical music
What: "I know, I know, Beethoven is like the Britney Spears of classical music and I know that this particular piece is rather cliche, but come on, can you really complain?" I don't see the connection? Can anyone provide some unifying links?
Writer: Dr. Steel
Date: Nov 13 2011 9:14 PM
# 1477 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As Human Emotions In Music
a: Beethoven ~
b: human emotions come to life in music
What: "I agree completely. Mozart is great, but it doesn't stir up any feelings for me. Beethoven is like human emotions come to life in music. I love playing Moonlight on the piano, and singing in the 9th symphony was one of the most spectacular experiences I've ever had."
Writer: beloved_77
Date: Nov 13 2011 9:20 PM
# 1478 Critique Analogy
Beethoven Is Like Ice Cream
a: Beethoven ~
b: ice cream
What: "Beethoven is like ice cream. Delicious, but too much, and you'll puke everywhere."
Writer: Ben Palmer
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 13 2011 9:22 PM
# 1479 Critique Analogy
a: Beethoven ~
b: being abused by a man?
What: "Art can be many things, but for centuries it was intended to convey the truth about human existence and the cosmos. Now we often think of art as self expression. Many works of contemporary art are cries of despair or rage. Deconstructionist critics advertise themselves as liberators from the old culture of oppression based on religion, race, gender, or class. Feminist critics will tell you that listening to Beethoven is like being abused by a man. It's no accident that an era that generally doesn't acknowledge design in the universe finds little to celebrate in art and music created by artists who believed in both design and the designer."
Writer: Dennis Wagner
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 13 2011 9:25 PM
# 1480 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As Wild Impenetrable Forest
a: Beethoven ~
b: a wild, almost impenetrable forest
What: "Beethoven is like a wild, almost impenetrable forest, in which are heard sounds primeval; while Mendelssohn is like a handsome park easy of entrance, and full of beautiful cultivated flowers."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Nov 13 2011 9:28 PM
# 1481 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As Being Fucked By A Football Player
a: Beethoven ~
b: fucked by an American football player
What: "I arrived at that one just in time to hear the Triple J arts dude explaining how listening to Beethoven is like being fucked by an American football player. It's not subtle apparently. I'll take his word for it." Huh? This is a bizarre association, but that's the nature of free association. The link between the 2 is that both are not subtle experiences.
Writer: drumrunner
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 13 2011 9:30 PM
# 1482 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As A Deep Massage
a: Beethoven ~
b: a deep massage
What: "Beethoven is like a deep massage. Mozart is like a light massage with the fingertips." "I've never liked Vivaldi" was one of her dicta, expatiating further by adding, "His music is twiddly."
Writer: Helen Howe
Date: Nov 13 2011 9:37 PM
# 1486 Critique Analogy
Beethoven As A Solidly Built House
a: Beethoven by brendel ~
b: a house solidly built inside and out
What: "Brendel's Beethoven is like a house solidly built inside and out, with every nail firmly hammered in. In comparison, Ashkenazy's is like a house that is glamorously painted outside without as much craftsmanship committed inside." This is a comparison of different renderings of Beethoven's piano sonatas.
Writer: Johnson Lee
Date: Nov 13 2011 8:47 PM
# 1469 Critique Analogy

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