bear market
"A bear market is like a gigantic clearance sale where a vast array of financial products-the good, the bad, and the ugly-go on sale."
Or it's like a tidal wave. It big and broad and it just keeps going until it's spent.
" My first course of action... a bear market is like dealing with a crazy wife.
Don't waste your time trying to rationalize with her, because it'll never work.
A crazy wife is a crazy wife. A bear market is a bear market.
Accept it for what it is... and run."
"my theory is, as a bubble grows, the likelihood of an event bursting the bubble increases, sometimes events are big enough to make the news, other events are unknown and can only be predicted by gauging the market, a bull market is like a humid bathroom, perfect breeding ground for bubbles, a bear market is like a hot dry windy desert"
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