battery charging


a: Battery charging ~
b: pouring a beer into the glass

What: "Henceforth, a rest period is desirable so that the chemical process can propagate throughout the battery. As an analogy battery charging is like pouring a beer into the glass. If the beer is pour very quickly then a lot of froth can be seen and a very little beer at the bottom but if the beer is poured very slowly the beer settle till the forth disperses and then topping up results in completely filled glass."

Writer: Quree Bajracharya
Date: Oct 1 2013 4:19 PM

a: Battery charging ~
b: sex

What: "Battery charging is like having sex! Complete charge & complete discharge is the best.. No orgasm reached if it's done in bits & pieces!"

Writer: Preetham Gowda
Date: Oct 1 2013 4:22 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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