"Batman is like a very large multifaceted diamond." Miller said. "You can throw it against the floor, you can throw it against the wall, throw it against the ceiling - it will not break. Everything works."
"Batman is basically a satanic figure who is on our side,"
The link is discussion at Comic Con about the meaning of Batman.
See the link.
"We need to trust Batman because he knows best. This is already a disturbing idea in most superhero films where the superhero is basically a cop. Batman is like a full government branch though. He has files on everyone, has eyes everywhere, is not above enhanced interrogation to get what he wants and casually decides what's right and wrong. This idea is enhanced in that last trailer when the city just falls apart without him. The system we have in place isn't enough."
"Batman is like the nucleus.
-The nucleus is the central
and most important part of
the cell."
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