

Acid Base And Proton Theft.....

a: Base ~
b: a burglar

What: "A base is like a burglar that likes to steal protons. Some burglars are better at stealing than others. The better the base is at "stealing" the stronger the base is."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 17 2013 5:45 PM

Some Good Writing Post Biology.....

a: Base pair ~
b: letter

What: "A base pair is like a letter, a gene is like a sentence, the genome is like an encyclopedia, and all aspects of the organism are coded in genetic material and its complex interactions with the environment." A blog entry that's muses about what life be like in the somewhat distance future or even in the somewhat distant present.

Writer: Heather Green
Date: May 1 2013 10:02 AM

Bases As Bytes

a: Base pair ~
b: computer bit

What: "A base pair is like a computer bit, only there are four of them (A, T, G, and C) instead of two (1 and 0). So, it would take two computer bits to record one base pair (00=A, 11=T, 10=G, 01=C)."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: May 1 2013 10:05 AM

A Ladder Glued By Hydrogen Bonding

a: Base pair ~
b: the rung of a ladder

What: "A base pair is like the rung of a ladder in the DNA structure" A link to a creationist screed that contains an analogy about base pairs.

Writer: Ralph Muncaster
Date: May 1 2013 10:11 AM

Base Chakra Is Like Dial Up Speed

a: Base chakra ~
b: dial up’ speed

What: "Base Chakra is like 'dial up' speed connections, Crown Chakra is like cable speed connection."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Sep 4 2011 12:00 PM

Margin For Error= +/-0.00001%

a: Base jumping ~
b: a bear licking peanut butter off your nuts

What: Base jumping is like letting a Grizzly bear lick peanut butter off your nuts. It may feel good for a while, and it may get your adrenaline pumping, for a variety of reasons. But 1 little false move and your pretty much done for. There is no margin for error and if you creep into error zone, you will be seriously inured or killed.

Writer: LucretiaGermanica
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jan 17 2012 1:50 PM

a: Base pairing ~
b: passengers in the two trains shaking hands

What: "The arrangement of the strands is somewhat like two trains pointed in opposite directions, and base pairing is like passengers in the two trains shaking hands."From:"Microbiology Principles and Explorations 8th edition"page 184

Writer: Jacquelyn G. Black
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jan 24 2014 8:13 PM

Acid Base

a: Base electrons ~
b: teeth that want to bite a proton

What: "My weird way of thinking about basicity: The lone pair of a base is like teeth that want to bite a proton. The bigger the teeth, the stronger the base. EDGs make the teeth bigger, EWGs suck the teeth back into the gums. When the teeth are involved with aromaticity, that's like they're already chewing something, so they're not available to bite a proton."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 17 2013 5:35 PM

a: Database backup ~
b: a second life for the database


"Database backup is like a second life for the database. It plays an important role in-case any disaster or failure occurs on the database. Restoring a corrupt or damaged database without a clean backup is like nightmare situation for database administrator but it's possible. You can repair and restore corrupt oracle database with the help of third party oracle database recovery utility."

Writer: Mark Willium
Date: May 15 2014 7:09 PM

a: database backup ~
b: a shower


"the colder it is, the less time you want to spend doing it."

A nice discussion of doing database backups when the system is off line and when it is on-line.

Writer: Shlomi Noach
Date: May 15 2014 7:08 PM

Database Searches As Cultural Artifacts

a: Database searches ~
b: anthropological artifact

What: "This information represents, in aggregate form, a place holder for the intentions of humankind - a massive database of desires, needs, wants, and likes that can be discovered, supoenaed, archived, tracked, and exploited to all sorts of ends." This kind of exploration has been done before, but the amount of information currently available is much higher.

Writer: JBAT
Date: Jan 22 2012 11:13 AM

a: database table index ~
b: the blue tabs on a rolodex


The blue tabs helps a person find stuff faster by pointing to the approximate location of some information. The index on a table help the database information faster in much the same way

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 29 2014 7:56 PM

a: complementary base pairs ~
b: rungs on a ladder


"The complementary base pairs are like rungs on a spiral "rope ladder.""

Writer: Charlotte St. Romain
Date: Dec 15 2014 12:11 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.