basal ganglia


a: Basal ganglia ~
b: a ball of rubberbands

What: "There are some studies indicating localized swelling and this could come from macrophages or T-cells on the brain side of the BBB finding bound antibodies and releasing inflammatory cytokines. Some researchers think the basal ganglia is like a ball of rubberbands where the inflammation causes cross-talk as the rubber-bands slip and this is what's causing confusion and mis-signalling."

Writer: Buster
Date: Oct 23 2013 9:47 PM

a: The basal ganglia ~
b: that rowboat

What: "Language, lies, language--a series of signs, a forest of representations, the endless attempts to close the gap between res and verba. There are people who believe only in things and feel language to be a lie. There are people who believe only language exists and exists to articulate a world that is an illusion. Then there are people like me, sitting in a small boat in the middle of a lake, wanting to row toward two shores simultaneously. If I could find the means to expose the reality of what I see--the basal ganglia is like that rowboat, ferrying the mind back and forth between what it can touch and what it can articulate."

Writer: Jeneva Stone
Date: Oct 23 2013 9:48 PM

a: The basal ganglia ~
b: the brain’s switchboard

What: "Dyskinetic cerebral palsy results from damage to the basal ganglia of the brain. The basal ganglia is like the brain's switchboard for interpreting messages between the movement centre and the spinal cord - it is responsible for regulating voluntary movements. The different forms of dyskinesia result from damage to slightly different structures within the basal ganglia."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 23 2013 9:58 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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