bad feelings


a: bad feelings ~
b: the flu


"Passing around negativity. Bad feelings are like the flu. Once one person brings the bug into the environment, it's a sure bet that ten other people will be down with the ailment by the end of the week."

Writer: Dr. Mary Kay Whitaker
Date: Jan 9 2014 7:39 PM

a: Bad feelings ~
b: temperatures


"Bad feelings are like temperatures to me. I feel them immediately and they affect me deeply. Depending on the situation, I have to either block, absorb or transform the energy. I cannot remain in any situaiton in which I intuitively know will alter my internal energy in a negative way, for longer than I can stand."

Writer: Mary Rose
Date: Jan 9 2014 7:36 PM

Not In Japan

a: Bad feelings ~
b: bus timetables

What: "Bad feelings are like bus timetables, not something that you should rely on."

Writer: Joe Ford
Date: Jan 9 2014 7:38 PM

a: Bad feelings ~
b: farts


"There's no crime in feeling bad feelings. I know we all "shouldn't" feel bad about emotional stuff, but dude. Bad feelings are like farts: we all agree that they are gross if you bring 'em out in public, but they're just something you've gotta deal with before you explode. You wouldn't feel like a failure if you needed to fart in a meeting, you'd just be uncomfortable for a while and deal with it at a more appropriate time."

Writer: commanderlogic
Date: Jan 9 2014 7:41 PM

a: bad feelings ~
b: bad weather


"Ideally, you can get to a point where bad feelings are like bad weather - you know they'll pass. Just like when you know it's going to rain and you bring your umbrella, you'll know how to predict your feelings and what you'll need to get through them. If you haven't yet arrived at this place of acceptance, where even bad feelings are a part of you to include rather than to banish, then food will remain your preferred method of medicating yourself."

Writer: Not stated
Date: Jan 9 2014 7:43 PM

a: Bad feelings ~
b: a fever

What: "Bad feelings are like a fever. You literally feel the effects in your body, they impede you from behaving normally, and you can't wait until they pass."

Writer: Renato Cardoso
Date: Jan 9 2014 7:49 PM

a: bad feelings ~
b: the La Brea Tar Bit


The tar in these pits hovers near the surface, but never really flow. They just sit there stagnant, mixed with bones and water and dirt. This is how my feeling be. They just sit there, not moving or flowing or burning or anything. They are just stuck. How to free them and make them more liquid, I don't know.

Writer: Lucrezia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Mar 4 2015 3:57 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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