bad decisions


a: bad decisions ~
b: small debits


"In a time where our ability to navigate change and demonstrate true career resiliency, never have these 'little things' counted for so much. These small actions over time compound positively or negatively much like they do in a bank account. Lots of small proactive decisions add up in a positive way like regular savings into a bank account; where as complacency and bad decisions are like small debits eating away at your value over time."

Writer: Margot Andersen
Date: Jan 15 2017 7:23 PM

a: bad decisions ~
b: Trojan horses


"Bad decisions are like Trojan horses-you may not recognize the danger at first, but if you know your history, you'll learn to keep them outside ..."

Writer: Paul Rogers, Marcia W. Blenko and Jenny Davis-Peccoud
Date: Jan 15 2017 7:28 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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