baby boomers


a: Baby boomers ~
b: The most selfish generation


"This is exactly my thoughts. Baby boomers were given the greatest state the economy has ever been in. Never in history did the global economy grow like it did from 1950 to 2001. Not only that, but you could get a decent paying job with just a highschool diploma and be able to afford a house, car, two kids, with a wife who stayed at home.

Now highschool diplomas are worthless, even most college degrees that aren't STEM are worthless. buying a house is out of the question for most people, and good luck finding a decent paying job even with the worthless degree you got in exchange for 40k dollars of debt.

yet baby boomers have the audacity to expect their kids to give them grandchildren? Yeah on whose dime? I hope I outlive every fucking baby boomer, bunch of fucking ingrates."

Writer: HaberdasherA
Date: Sep 30 2015 10:16 AM

a: Baby boomers ~
b: a swarm of locusts


"The only problem with that patience is that there won't be much left for Generation X to control in the USA. Us Baby Boomers are like a swarm of locusts feeding in the fields of your future. Our standard of living will be maintained at the future expense of yours. It's terrible but you can thank democrats for much of it."

Writer: FP
Date: Oct 2 2015 4:10 PM

a: baby boomers ~
b: a baseball going through a garden hose


"aybe you've heard the analogy that the baby boomers are like a baseball going through a garden hose. Well, that baseball is getting to the end of the hose, and it's not leaving without a bang! And before it goes, it will be a financial force to be reckoned with."

Writer: Michael M. Pompian
Date: Oct 2 2015 4:10 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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