Axon A Leaky Garden Hose
a: Axon ~
b: soaker garden hose
What: This discussion occurs on page 42 of the linked book "The accidental mind" It is a discussion comparing copper conductivity and axon conductivity. The point being, an axon compared with copper wire is a poor conductor. Copper moves electrons like a pipe moves water, fast with no leaking. Axons move current like the above mentioned garden hose.
Writer: David J. Linden
Date: May 1 2013 11:23 AM
One Letter At A Is Sent..
a: Axon ~
b: a paperboy
What: "To recap from those static A&P lectures none of us enjoyed, the axon is like a paperboy, sending neurological news, referred to as neurotransmitters, to "homes" called dendrites. The findings show that as axons stretch upon trauma (vulnerable months after an initial stretch), like a worn rubber band, they lose their elasticity after swelling, where proteins then block the proper neural absorption until the axons fall apart (called Diffuse Axonal Injury)."
Writer: David Castillo
Date: May 1 2013 11:26 AM
It Terms Of Shape Yes It Maybe.....
a: Axon ~
b: spider's web
What: "The network used for this communication (the axon) is like the strands of a spider's web. This network allows this information be communicated to many other neurons, thus beginning this process all over again in a new neuronal cell. Its a poor analogy for a wonderful and complex organ, but we might imagine the brain as a massive spiders web with Neuronal cells at each intersection of the web."
Writer: David Phillips
Date: May 1 2013 11:30 AM
a: Axon ~
b: leaky hose that's been patched
What: A discussion of myelinated axons. It occurs on page 81 of the book referenced. "Discovering Biological Psychology"
Writer: Laura Freberg
Date: May 1 2013 11:38 AM
a: Axon ~
b: Mail Man
An Axon could be compared to a Mail person because it sends out information.
Writer: sailorcohen2024
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Feb 17 2020 5:54 PM
Maybe;maybe Not
a: Axon terminal ~
b: the root system of a tree
What: "The structure and development of a neuron is similar to that of a tree. Each neuron has one axon with many tails which are called axon terminals. Axon terminals are like the root system of a tree; locus of exchange of electro chemical impulses. They extend out from the cell body like the trunk of a tree through the axon electrochemical impulses delivered throughout the neurons."
Writer: Rita Smilkstein
Date: Oct 30 2013 8:11 PM
a: Axon without myelin ~
b: dial up service
"For example, an axon with myelin connects like a broadband internet connection able to stream high definition video and an axon without myelin is like dial up service, slow with frequent interruptions."
Writer: neuropathy treatment
Date: Dec 30 2013 7:14 PM
a: descending axon of the bipolar cell ~
b: a thin pipe with narrow space
" The descending axon of the bipolar cell is like a thin pipe with narrow space trafficking many neuroactive substances and cell organelles from the soma to the axon terminal and in reverse. Perhaps this produces a requirement for short ribbons that will not impede microtubular transport. In contrast, axon terminal ribbons in sublamina b are located in a relatively spacious terminals packed with synaptic vesicles."
Writer: Michael A. Fox, Editor
Date: Dec 28 2015 8:15 PM