axial skeleton


a: the axial skeleton ~
b: framework of your body


"Essentially, the axial skeleton is like the framework of your body; it's what gives your body shape, while the attachments are what provide your body with movement."

Writer: Heather Adewale
Date: Aug 19 2015 2:28 PM

a: the axial skeleton ~
b: the Earth’s axis


"Since they are familiar with determining the meanings
of word roots in my English
class and relating them to
other words they know, we discussed how the axial skeleton is like the Earth's
axis. It runs down the middle, and everything stems from there.
The axial skeleton includes the
head and the core of the body"

Writer: Alison A. Grojean
Date: Aug 19 2015 2:29 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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