" "As for my self, I am going to stick to democracy. Autocracy is like a grand ship going out gloriously over the seas, perhaps striking a reef, but democracy is like a raft. "It never sinks, but your feet are in the water all the time."
"There were four options the Founding Fathers considered. One was autocracy. Autocracy is like a monarchy. The belief is that people are like children; they need to be taken care of. Government was not only necessary in autocracy, it was critical."
"Not saying there's an accusation mate, you'll have to forgive the force of habit in the way i framed the issue. I have to say i'm glad the judicial system isn't built on one man's fiat or i'd be throwing away my law books and working a little more on my acting :P Funnily enough, in my Russia, you can bypass any and all legal decisions if the Czar says so, though i imagine he does so sparingly. Autocracy is like wearing a really big boot. You have to be careful where you step because you leave very large prints."
"The difference between the two logics is the difference between autocracy and democracy. Autocracy is like a cancer that spreads from the presidential palace to society as a whole. Oppressed people turn into small autocrats, thereby reproducing the oppression that they are subject to, when dealing with those who are weaker than them."
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