atomic number


It Where's It's At.....

a: Atomic number ~
b: a permanent address

What: "The atomic number is also the same as the number of protons. The atomic number is like a permanent address. No matter what you do to the house, it will always have the same foundation (protons) and always have the same location (atomic number). 20 protons=Atomic # 20, Calcium"

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 15 2013 7:28 PM

It Is You And Only You.....

a: Atomic number ~
b: your Social Security number

What: "The atomic number (Z) of an element is equal to the number of protons found in an atom of that element. The atomic number is like your Social Security number; it acts as a unique identifier for each element because no two elements have the same one."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jul 15 2013 7:30 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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