articles of confederation


a: Articles of Confederation ~
b: garbage from Walmart


"The Articles of Confederation is like the garbage from Walmart because just as the Articles of Confederation was thrown out of the government, the garbage is thrown out from Walmart. "

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Nov 18 2015 3:51 PM

a: Articles of confederation ~
b: Friendster


"The highest ranking member of Congress under the Articles of Confederation:US Gov 1.0 was known as the 'President'. This 'Articles of Confederation President' had none of the powers or respect under the US Constitution:US Gov 2.0 President, which we currently operate under. In Millennial terms, the Articles of Confederation is like Friendster, while the US Constitution is like Facebook."

Writer: Maddish
Date: Nov 18 2015 3:56 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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