"Aquaculture is like farming, but with fish. Instead of corn, wheat, oats and assorted vegetables, you grow bass, flounder, shrimp and other aquatic creatures. Growing our seafood in this way may become increasingly important in the future."
"hat is the most climate friendly way of feeding the world? Is is agriculture or aquaculture. Wild fish feed roughly 10% of the world population. Aquaculture is like breeding battery chickens. It's not good for the chickens and the product is inferior to the real deal. One of the problems with fishing is giant subsidized trawlers that rape the ocean. Local fishing like that above is sustainable provided the fish are not poisoned with plastic."
"Aquaculture is like an iceberg – only a fraction is visible. An increasing amount of the employment linked to the aquaculture industry is found in companies that supply services to the industry."
"This falsifies the often used argument by agencies like the World Bank that promotion of aquaculture is like moving from hunting and gathering to settled agriculture in fisheries and will reduce the pressure on marine resources"
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