

Apple is like a Zamboni

a: Apple ~
b: a Zamboni

What: "Lahman compared Gogii and other app developers to ice skaters, who have to use their speed and agility to stay ahead of the Zamboni resurfacing the ice. (Apple is the Zamboni, of course.)" This analogy is probably relevent as a comparison between any large corporation and any startup working in the same market.

Writer: Scott Lahman
Date: Aug 2 2011 2:04 PM

How Apple Is Like Old Hollywood

a: Apple ~
b: Old Hollywood

What: "Apple CEO Steve Jobs demonstrates the will to power of today's information moguls. "Apple has a level of full integration of its products that is very similar to what we see in Hollywood studios," Wu said. To make its product, the company relies on carefully curated content, beautiful devices, and exclusive deals with networks. "They offer a high quality experience, but they demand they be in control. That is Apple," he said."

Writer: Tim Wu
Date: Aug 18 2011 11:21 AM

Apple Is Like The Communist Party

a: Apple ~
b: The Communist Party, in China

What: "To sell devices, Apple made itself conformist. Apple's image has always been about being rebellious. Turns out, that doesn't play in China, where people be cool by being conventional. Apple's usual ads didn't play that well in China. So they pulled down the "Think Different" ads (and never ran the one with the Dalai Lama, for some reason) and gave Apple an image that's cool, but not rebellious."

Writer: Not stated
Date: Aug 18 2011 11:26 AM

Apple Store

a: An apple store ~
b: A Frank LLoyd Wright house

What: Both are very well thought out and pleasing to look at. I was at the Apple store in Palo Alto and noticed that nothing was overlooked. The uniforms and the names tags worn by the workers had all been included in the design of the whole building. Likewise with Frank Lloyd Wright creations: He designed the house, the interior, the furniture the dinner table, the dinner table chairs, the place settings, the silverware and the dress the dinner hostess was to wear. I'm not sure if these designers are great systematic thinkers or control freaks, but what they have created is surely nice to look at. Living in that environment is a different matter.

Writer: mattyflynn
Date: May 1 2010 9:59 AM

a: Apple computers ~
b: meditation mandalas


"Apple computers are meditation mandalas, the union of liberal arts and state of the art technology. In memorizing the GUI, I remember myself. People used to do this with the Bible, now its Apple. Apple. Eat. The. Apple."

Writer: DoctorStCawley
Date: Feb 6 2016 9:03 AM

The Apple Iphone Is Like A High Class Whore

a: The apple iphone ~
b: a high class whore

What: "I want this item. It's very desirable but expensive. Her contract is expensive but she is stunning. For people who can afford the insane 02 charges (i.e. 35 for a totally wank package - hardly any mins compared to Three and their tarriffs!)"

Writer: chris.holland
Date: Oct 13 2011 11:43 AM

a: The Apple ecosystem ~
b: a swamp


"This is what Tim Cook means when he talks about how it all works together now. It is the entire stack of devices working in concert. The Apple ecosystem is like a swamp. The more we interact with it, the deeper we are drawn into it. "

Date: Jul 24 2015 3:31 PM

Apple w/o Steve Jobs is like Sony

a: Apple w/o Steve Jobs ~
b: like Sony w/o Akio Morita

What: "Apple w/o Steve Jobs is like Sony w/o Akio Morita. Sony has been floundering since Akio stepped down. The consumer business is a "hits" business. Regular success requires a special talent. Akio Morita had this talent, as does Steve Jobs."

Writer: tektonikshift
Date: Aug 24 2011 7:55 PM

The Achilles Heals

a: Apple imac mouse design ~
b: Honda Accord braking system

What: Add to this. What are the commonalities? Both the Accord and iMac are extremely well designed systems. The iMac is a UNIX based personal computer that is stable and looks really nice. The Accord has been one of the most reliable cars ever built. But, these highly designed systems have their respective flaws which have existed over the years(decades?). The mouse design on ALL the iMacs I've owned are awful. It like they want to torture your hand when you use the computer. Likewise, the braking system on the Accords, and the Preludes as well, have been much less reliable than the car as a whole. I really want to meet the mouse design team at Apple and the group that designed the braking systems at Honda. There must be some kinda, systematic flaw within each group. Most likely the heads of each group are entrenched in their respective corporate bureaucracies.

Writer: LucyG
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 21 2012 7:19 PM

Apple without Steve Jobs is like Ford without

a: Apple without Steve Jobs ~
b: Ford Motor Company without Henry Ford

What: " Sir Steve is still fun to watch. He has a way of distilling everything to simplicity. Apple without Steve Jobs is like Ford Motor Company without Henry Ford; it doesn't exist! I re-posted the ATD video at"

Writer: Joe Kelley
Date: Aug 24 2011 8:04 PM

Apple Design

a: Apple design and interface ~
b: simplicity with depth

What: link to what?

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 25 2011 10:52 PM

Apple Keyboard; Form Trumps Function

a: Apple latest keyboard design ~
b: Chinese foot binding

What: The form of the Current Apple key board is minimal and sleek. Appealing to the eyes it is, yes. But, as I put my fingers on the key board, they felt completely different. I learned to type by feel so I never really have to look at the key board. The recoil on the keys is severely diminished, which for me is big part of touch typing. This keyboard feels stripped down and exhibits a complete lack of sensual recoil. My hands started to hurt after playing around for a couple minutes. Which brought to mind Chinese foot binding. Someone in that culture decided small feed were beautiful and somehow it came to pass that many women destroyed their feet to conform to this minimalist cleanist sense of beauty. I hope Apple comes up with a more sensual key board, 'cause I don't want my hands looking like those twisted Chinese feet. The similarity; form trumps function. This is just the key board; the rest of the computer is great.

Writer: mattyflynn
Date: May 1 2010 10:17 AM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.