apocalypse now
a: Apocalypse now ~
b: a lucid dream
What: "Viewed at the cinema, Apocalypse Now is like a lucid dream, so beautifully photographed that you could freeze frame any second of it and it'd be like a National Geographic pictorial on acid. The actual scenes of apocalypse - from the US bombing of villages to the Hindu ritual slaughtering of a cow - all conspire to make hell on earth look strangely graceful, while Brando himself is always lit from the periphery of the shadows: his face becomes a photographic art in itself."
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 1 2014 4:44 PM
a: Apocalypse Now ~
b: ride at DisneyLand
"Apocalypse Now is like a theme park ride at Disney. F*ck man, this Is better than Disneyland as Lance puts it and he's right, it really is. So get ready to head out to war bitches and experience Apocalypse Now like none other by watching the Redux extended cut! If you already have then I think it's time to go out there and re-live the action, the explosions, the psychological meanings and remember the horror...the horror...."
Writer: McLovin
Date: Aug 1 2014 4:45 PM
a: Apocalypse Now ~
b: noir in the river
"Apocalypse Now is like a film noir meets war"
Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 1 2014 4:47 PM
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