

For The Trucker Out There.

a: Antidepressants ~
b: putting a chock in the brain


"The mind is like a see-saw , and it our mind that controls our emotions - the highs and low or the ups and the downs!"

"Antidepressants are like putting a chock in the brain and stop the ups and downs, allowing your mind and thinking to stabilise. Then you are able to deal with the issues. "

Writer: Dianne Carroll OAM
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Jan 31 2014 5:36 PM

a: antidepressants ~
b: mental steroids


"This is what I told myself. 'You know, antidepressants are like mental steroids. And nobody ever has any sympathy for an athlete who takes steroids.'

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Jan 31 2014 5:33 PM

a: antidepressants ~
b: like bodybuilding


"Antidepressant medication is effective for both seasonal and non-seasonal depression. Antidepressants have the advantage of not requiring you to get up at zero-dark-thirty to sit in front of a light box, but they too have side effects and may take longer to work. I tell patients antidepressants are like bodybuilding: You have to take them every day and results become evident in time. Moreover, if you stop taking them their benefits - like a bodybuilder's muscles - melt away quickly."

Writer: Joshua Sonkiss, M.D
Date: Jan 31 2014 5:37 PM

a: antidepressants ~
b: a really good set of spark plug wires


"A good analogy of medications is Antidepressants are like . They overcome the loss or lack of neurotransmitters and allows people get a adequate dose of neurotransmitters to function. I think in this case its needed. "

Writer: Pinkcuda
Date: Jan 31 2014 5:43 PM

a: antidepressants ~
b: like gasoline additives


"Most antidepressants are like gasoline additives, they help a person hang on to the serotonin or epinephrine their brain is already producing. Most individuals don't have any serotonin or epinephrine in their brain to re-uptake. A gasoline additive doesn't help when the tank is empty! Most individuals with depression or mood disorders are deficient in serotonin and epinephrine; they've used it all up and their brains are empty. This is why they are depressed, have more pain, suffer from insomnia, and anxiety. Using a gasoline additive isn't going to help. Serotonin and epinephrine are made from the amino acids. Why use a gasoline additive (that has all kinds of potential side-effects) when you can just pour gasoline into your tank. Yes, please take amino acids."

Writer: Dr. Rodger H. Murphree DC, CNS
Date: Jan 31 2014 5:47 PM

a: antidepressants ~
b: rope ladder


"I tell people the antidepressants are like a rope ladder for my anxiety. I'm still climbing the mountain, but the medication helps me feel more secure about my steps."

Writer: Rita Arens
Date: Jan 31 2014 5:49 PM

a: antidepressants ~
b: airbags


"Antidepressants are like airbags in a car crash. They soften the blow, but sometimes you're still hurt and you have to do work on the car to get it in working condition. That's the depression."

Writer: cranebowexplosives:
Date: Jan 31 2014 5:50 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.