

a: Anorexia ~
b: spiritual practice

What: "There's something about the whole discipline of anorexia, the awareness. There's something yogic about it. Weighing, measuring. Anorexia is like a spiritual practice. It's different than the normal culture. "

Writer: Cat Saunders
Date: Oct 17 2013 5:51 PM

a: Anorexia ~
b: this monster that either grabs you

What: "Anorexia is like this monster that either grabs you by the neck at full-force, or lurks in the corners of your mind. Its always there, like a serpent laying low in the weeds, waiting for the right opportunity to strike. Its dark mass consumes fragile minds and makes them "

Writer: Lost in Space
Date: Oct 17 2013 5:50 PM

a: Anorexia ~
b: an addictive state

What: "This is typical in the early phase when the sufferer is still in denial. Anorexia is like an addictive state. It serves the purpose of blunting the sufferer from her/his uncomfortable emotional feelings, just as alcohol and drugs do in the chemical addict, and once the individual has started dieting and losing weight, it is very difficult for them to stop."

Writer: Medies
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 17 2013 5:53 PM

a: Anorexia ~
b: tree

What: "When my daughter first got struck down with this dreaded disease, I had no idea. I wish there had been someone to help us though the early stages. I often say to people, anorexia is like a tree. It starts off as a seed, then slowly grows and branches off in to other complex areas."

Writer: Wendy
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 17 2013 5:56 PM

a: Anorexia ~
b: a spider crawling in corners

What: "Anorexia is like a spider crawling in corners, spinning webs of lies over the dusty boxes of thoughts, dreams and memories." The link is to some musing about this affliction.

Writer: ThePrincessOfDenial
Date: Oct 17 2013 5:56 PM

a: Anorexia ~
b: alcoholism

What: "many people believe anorexia is like alcoholism, that it is a chronic disease that must always be managed"

Writer: Amber Smith
Date: Oct 17 2013 6:00 PM

a: Anorexia ~
b: a mental ulcer

What: "Anorexia is like a mental ulcer. Centered somehow in the stomach, it consumes the person from the inside out."

Writer: Kate Keeley
Date: Oct 17 2013 6:02 PM

a: Anorexia ~
b: alcoholism

What: "Anorexia is like alcoholism in many ways. It is strong, chronic, and vexing, and it defies rehabilitation. There is considerable debate over whether anorexia has a biological base, is an outward symptom of deeper pathology, or is the result of external conditioning in a society obsessed with weight and beauty."

Writer: Jennifer Hendricks
Date: Oct 17 2013 6:07 PM

a: Anorexia ~
b: a cat-piss stain

What: "Anorexia is like a cat-piss stain on my sofa of awesome-ness. (My original analogy involved weeds in a flower garden, but aren't you glad I went this route instead?)"

Writer: Suzie Claire
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 17 2013 6:08 PM

a: Anorexia ~
b: necrophilia with a heart beat

What: "Anorexia is like necrophilia with a heart beat."

Writer: xxspeakxx
Date: Oct 17 2013 6:12 PM

a: Anorexia ~
b: a crocodile

What: "You know, anorexia is a horrible, treacherous disease. It sneaks up on you and wraps its arm around your shoulder like a friend at first, but then before you know it, it has opened up its jaws to swallow you up whole. The thing is, it would be so nice if that was the end of it. Instead, anorexia is like a crocodile. It doesn't just rip you apart, it holds on to you with its deathly grip, stifling you, drowning you, starving you and leaving you to die a slow, painful death, then waiting until your body rots to a soft pulp before finally eating you up,"

Writer: Sophia
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 17 2013 6:15 PM

a: Anorexia ~
b: being trapped in a hall of distorting mirrors

What: "Anorexia is like being trapped in a hall of distorting mirrors and believing that the surreal reflections you see looking back at you are 'really you'."

Writer: Dr. Susan, Roets
Date: Oct 17 2013 6:17 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.