animal abuse
"Yet, animal abuse is like a multi-headed hydra. As one is cut off, another grows up. Having seen a progressive reduction in the number of experiments in the early nineties, they are now back to the levels of the 1980s – over 3.7 million alone in the U.K. in 2010."
"Unfortunately, now you know this wasn't a one time thing. I'm sure you don't want to make matters worse, but your marriage is already in tatters. Your dog isn't safe, but most importantly, you have to do something about your son. Animal abuse is like training wheels for psychos. There has to be some way to help him before he continues down this dangerous (and cruel) path. "
"The issue of animal abuse is like an iceberg, with only the top part above the water acting as the cases that are reported, the rest…...unknown."

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