

It's Ready To Go; The Time Is Now

a: Amygdala ~
b: sprinter kneeling in the blocks

What: "Mark Twain said that a lie can be half way around the world before the truth gets its boots on and that can be the relationship between the thinking mind and the emotions in the midst of an amygdala hijack. One reason for this is that the amygdala is like the sprinter kneeling in the blocks while the neo-cortex is sitting with its feet up reading a book - focused on thinking and not reacting"

Writer: Gillian Grannum
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:16 AM

a: Amygdala ~
b: the hub of a wheel

What: "The amygdala is like the hub of a wheel. It receives low level inputs from sensory-specific regions of the thalamus, higher level information from sensory-specific cortex, and still higher level (sensory independent) information about the general situation from the hippocampus formation. Through such connections, the amygdala is able to process the emotional significance of individual stimuli as well as complex situations. The amygdala is, in essence, involved in the appraisal of emotional meaning. It is where trigger stimuli do their triggering." J. LeDoux, The Emotional Brain. New York, 1996. pp.168-9

Writer: J. LeDoux
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:20 AM

a: Amygdala ~
b: a smoke detector

What: "The amygdala is like a smoke detector for the brain." (What Doesn't Kill Us Makes Us Stronger: The New Psychology of Posttraumatic Growth) p54.

Writer: Stephen Joseph
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:25 AM

a: Amygdala ~
b: a beach filled with holes

What: "To better understand this de-linking, imagine your amygdala is like a beach filled with holes (CSs)." The article is a discussion of the neuron-chemistry of curing phobias by the taping method.

Writer: Ronald A. Ruden, MD, PhD.
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:27 AM

a: Amygdala ~
b: a four-lane highway

What: "But in the case of fear and anxiety, the frontal cortex is outgunned by the more primitive amygdala system. The brain circuitry that carries fear-inducing signals from the amygdala is like a four-lane highway. But the more analytical and potentially moderating signals from the frontal cortex travel along a smaller, less well-developed pathway that evolved much later in nature."

Date: Oct 17 2013 10:32 AM

a: Amygdala ~
b: the brain's Homeland Security

What: "The amygdala is like the brain's Homeland Security Alerting and Coordinating System, switching on the rest of the body systems..." p. 127

Writer: Louann Brizendine, M.D.
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:34 AM

a: Amygdala ~
b: a bar code scanner

What: "The amygdala is like a bar code scanner. When a thought/awareness/perception is on its way into the mind, it goes by the amygdala which looks very, very quickly to see if this thought/awareness/perception some kind of dangerous threat. If not, the amygdala does nothing."

Writer: SOAR Library
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:39 AM

a: Amygdala ~

What: "I like this analogy because, like BIOS, the amygdala does not actually think or reason; it is pre-programmed to do a certain job, and to do it quickly and efficiently. On the other hand, Windows is slow and complicated - and is subject to malfunctions and viruses."

Writer: Admin
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:41 AM

a: Amygdala ~
b: a psychological sentinel

What: "The amygdala is like a psychological sentinel that examines each event in our lives for its emotional meaning. It asks basic questions like: Is this demeaning? Do they intend to hurt me? Depending on the answer the amygdala sends out an alarm."

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:42 AM

a: Amygdala ~
b: a stone tablet

What: "You're never going to forget the trauma of course. I often say that the amygdala is like a stone tablet. Once you get it traumatized in a particular area, it's extraordinarily difficult to forget that trauma but what we can do is eventually help ourselves become more comfortable in that anxiety provoking situation and that entails taming the amygdala."

Writer: John Arden, PhD
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:46 AM

a: Amygdala ~
b: librarian

What: "The amygdala is like a librarian, granting access to a plethora of memories and knowledge we've learned over the years; however, several files are inaccessible, as a subconscious measure to control the trauma we invoke onto ourselves."

Writer: Lenny Benologa
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:48 AM

a: Amygdala ~
b: baby crying

What: "The amygdala is like the newly born baby crying. It's sending a blurred message. It's sending the only message it can because that's what it's hardwired to do. Instead of effectively managing the fight and flight response it's getting needlessly involved in thought-generated issues and sending the wrong signal and the body reacts accordingly to the stimuli."

Writer: Vince Stevenson
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:50 AM

Switch Or Dial?

a: The amygdala ~
b: switch

What: "Albeit unconvential for his time, time is now corroborating what Lingo asserted: that the amygdala is like a switch to our spiritual, cosmic super brain."

Writer: C. Gray Flynn
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:16 AM

a: The amygdala ~
b: an alarm company

What: "The Amygdala is like an alarm company ready to send out an emergency."

Writer: Mr. Tomasino
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:22 AM

Looking For Threats

a: The amygdala ~
b: watchdog

What: "The amygdala is like a watchdog monitoring the environment for threats, and if it senses one, it can trigger the sympathetic and parasympathetic branches of the ..."

Writer: Ruth P. Newton
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:30 AM

a: The amygdala ~
b: the child who cries wolf

What: "The amygdala is like the child in the old story who cries wolf too often, which makes it hard to tell when the wolf is really upon you."

Writer: Norman E Rosenthal, M.D.
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:37 AM

a: The amygdala ~
b: a neurological crossroads

What: "The amygdala is like a neurological crossroads, the hub of a network of pathways in the brain, a special "rapid response unit", primed to act when presented with danger. That is why in the face of perceived danger, human beings are designed to act first and think later."

Writer: Chetan Parikh
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:45 AM

a: The amygdala ~
b: a spice rack of emotions

What: "The amygdala is like a spice rack of emotions: lots of flavors to choose from-happy, sad, angry, frustrated, fearful, and so on.Adding a little spice brings color and meaning to our world of thoughts and interactions. Of course, too much spice can ruin a recipe."

Writer: Sylvia Vorhauser-Smith
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:56 AM

The Red Wagon As Human Mind

a: The amygdala ~
b: red wagon

What: "The amygdala is like the red wagon. Everyone has one, and all the collected doyles are stored in it. Just like in the red wagon story, if you examined the contents of each red wagon, you'd find similar contents, but also drastic differences. Some kid's father is a druggist and his little red wagon has a lot of pill bottles, for example."

Writer: Bobby Matherne
Date: Oct 17 2013 10:58 AM

A Big Silly Animal It Is

a: The amygdala ~
b: the elephant

What: "Relating back to the presentation on the anatomy of Emotional Intelligence, the amygdala performs emotion processing, while the neocortex analyses rational data. The amygdala is like the elephant while the neocortex is the rider attempting to manage its direction. I loved the analogy. Almost as good as comparing social change to the effort of turning a dinosaur with a rolled-up newspaper. A Mindful State is the integration and processing of data from both the amygdala and the neocortex. A holistic approach."

Writer: Steve Fullmer
Date: Oct 17 2013 11:00 AM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.