american politics


American Politics=car Wreck

a: American politics ~
b: driving slowly by a car crash

What: "I realize that watching American politics is like driving slowly by a car crash. Frankly, I'm overjoyed to be a Canadian, and always have been. I have family living across the States and they used to seem skeptical that I wasn't the least bit envious of their country. Then I showed them what Canadian Parliamentary sessions look like..."

Writer: davidhelpswo
Date: Nov 18 2012 11:39 AM

American Politics=thrones

a: American politics ~
b: a game of thrones

What: " We don't understand half of what goes on in politics and even less of what happens on Game of Thrones" I don't understand either Thrones or politics. But the comparisons seem relevant.

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Nov 18 2012 11:42 AM

Dualing Couples

a: American politics ~
b: two annoying friends

What: "American politics is like two annoying friends you didn't really like breaking up and then chewing your ear off about it forever."

Writer: umair haque
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 18 2012 11:45 AM

North American Neighbors

a: American politics ~
b: watching a crazy neighbour

What: "I'm more interested in Canadian politics as it directly effects me, however watching American politics is like watching a crazy neighbour playing with a nail gun in their garage. You know it's not good for them and that they are only hurting themselves."

Writer: Swing Left
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 18 2012 11:46 AM

Donkey Screws The Elephant

a: American politics ~
b: the mating of their mascots

What: "Getting anything done in American Politics is like the mating of their mascots. One involves a big Dick and the other is done at high level and takes 2 years to get any results."

Date: Nov 18 2012 11:49 AM

He's Actually Making Sense.....

a: American politics ~
b: the matrix

What: "Our lives have been like that movie and it is not about Barack Obama. It's about Obama and Bush and Clinton and Bush. It has been going on for years, it is just a play and it goes back to the progressive movement - on both sides of the aisle."

Writer: Glen Beck
Date: Nov 18 2012 11:56 AM

The Broken Auto

a: American politics ~
b: a car with a blown engine

What: "American Politics is like a car with a blown engine. Millions of hours of time and energy are wasted arguing about who gets to sit in the front seat and who has to sit in the back. It would be much more constructive to spend our time discussing how to actually fix the blown engine. Everything else is irrelevant. Some discussions, like this one, actually take us further from that goal."

Writer: Rattling Bones
Date: Nov 18 2012 11:52 AM

The Bibolar Seesaw

a: American politics ~
b: a seesaw

What: "American politics is like a seesaw: one movement starts punching the established political wisdom, coming from nowhere, like the Tea Party. The more successful it is, it will engender a counter-punch hitting in the opposite direction."

Writer: Oliver Geronilla
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 18 2012 11:58 AM

Money Vs Money

a: American politics ~
b: Wall Street

What: "For those unfamiliar with Ron Paul, he ran as a Libretarian in 1988 and then as a Republican in 2008 presidental elections. He unfortunately did not have the funds to compete with his wealthy opponents in the preceding elections. American politics is like Wall Street: money talks and ________ walks (well, you get the point). "

Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 18 2012 12:03 PM

Dualing Parties.......

a: American politics ~
b: wrestling or a soap opera

What: "I think that American politics is like wrestling or a soap opera or dare I say it, sports, and that Americans don't understand that we are being manipulated and controlled."

Writer: CharlesB
Date: Nov 18 2012 12:05 PM

Tick Tock Tick Tock........da Da Da Da

a: American politics ~
b: pendulum

What: "American politics is like a pendulum. The further you swing to the left, the further the next president will swing to the right, and so forth. Carter.....Reagan/Bush1.......Clinton.......Bush2.......Obama....... ? You are probably looking at President Marco Rubio next. "

Writer: Peter Grim
Date: Nov 18 2012 12:11 PM

American Politics=soft Drink

a: American politics ~
b: pick a soft drink

What: "American politics is like deciding whether to have Coke or Fanta with your McDonalds." A comment from a non longer being used twitter account.

Writer: Grim Rabbit
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 18 2012 12:13 PM

Hmmm, A Crappy Restaurant......

a: American politics ~
b: Woody Allen's restaurant

What: "Look, American politics is like Woody Allen's restaurant, you know the one with, "such bad food and such small portions". The best you can realistically hope for as President of the United States is a kinder, gentler, mafia don. That is more or less what we have got."

Writer: David Seaton
Date: Nov 18 2012 12:14 PM

Is It Really A Game?

a: American politics ~
b: a football game

What: "American politics is like watching a football game played between the 40 yard lines. The players keep playing and the people in the stands get poorer as they watch. That is the reality. Can you handle the truth? "

Writer: Bob Lonsberry
Date: Nov 18 2012 12:17 PM

The View From Australia

a: American politics ~
b: a time machine

What: "The truth is, what the American Government does, the Australian Government is sure to follow. Tyranny is just as much on our doorstep (in someways more so). American politics is like a time machine, a glimpse into our own future. Which is why I am so fascinated by the Freedom Movement. Well, it helps keep me positive anyway."

Writer: AaronB
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 18 2012 12:21 PM

North Pole Vs South Pole

a: American politics ~
b: magnetic field

What: A really cool comparison of how the American body politic is like iron filings in a magnetic field. This get an A in terms of being a very illuminating metaphor. "American politics is like a large sheet of paper covered with millions of tiny iron filings." Page 94 of the book, "Special Providence: American Foreign Policy and How It Changed the World."

Writer: Walter Rus Mead
Date: Nov 18 2012 12:28 PM

Yes Yes And Yes

a: American politics ~
b: one giant homeowners association

What: Then I realized: American politics is like one giant and unwieldy homeowners association, rife with the sort of people who post lists telling their neighbors when they are forbidden to use the communal pool."

Writer: jimmyboi2
Date: Nov 18 2012 12:32 PM

Ouch That Hurts, Stop It......

a: American politics ~
b: an abusive relationship

What: "What's happening here is that American politics is like an abusive relationship. The people who want Obama to walk on eggshells grew up in abusive families, or at least abusive school systems, so they feel in their bones that anyone who is not completely inoffensive will be crushed. They've lived their whole lives that way and they think everyone else should too. What really horrifies them is not that Obama will be radical and lose, but that he'll be radical and win, because that means they could have done the same thing, and they've wasted their lives."

Writer: Ran Prieur
Date: Nov 18 2012 12:36 PM

A Screwy Family.......

a: American politics ~
b: an abusive family

What: "American politics is like an abusive family, and the Republicans are the abusive father, and the Democrats are the abused wife, and we're the kids, some of us broken and some of us still rebellious. The father can disobey his own rules, but the wife must obey them perfectly. Hillary Clinton,..." Read the rest in the linked archive of this blogger..........

Writer: Ran Prieur
Date: Nov 18 2012 12:40 PM

a: American Politics 2017 ~
b: Political Jujutsu


"Jū" can be translated to mean "gentle, soft, supple, flexible, pliable, or yielding." "Jutsu" can be translated to mean "art" or "technique" and represents manipulating the opponent's force against himself rather than confronting it with one's own force.

Yes indeed this is how it's being done. The Washington establishment is using the values of it's own constituency against them to maintain power. All of the parties are doing this with wedge issues that divide and conquer the polity. Pick a wedge issue and watch what's going on. The net effect is to deflect attention away from the degree of corruption of both parties.

Writer: Not Stated
Date: Mar 2 2017 9:59 AM

a: American Politics 2022 ~
b: crying people flying the plane



Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 19 2022 1:18 PM

Green Venn Diagram

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