american exceptionalism
"American exceptionalism is like the belief in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or some other fictional entity. We are exceptional in the manner to which so much of the population continues to be hoodwinked by that biggest lie of all - that we are better than everyone on the planet because we will eagerly feed our young military men and women into the meat grinder of wars, invasions and occupations as a blood sacrifice to the defense industry and the big banks to hoard more treasure. "
"American "Exceptionalism" is like a religious cult most of which is based on lies. Our Constitution is said to come from God himself although our government is totally dysfunctional. Our foreign policy is based on what is most profitable for the military industrial complex. Our infrastructure is falling apart and our health care system ranks 37th. We have more people in prison than any country in the world - not per capita but numbers. Doesn't look like it's all that exceptional to me."
American exceptionalism is like the "Anglosphere" -- an idea based on the exceptionalism of the English-speaking peoples. You can believe in the idea and act on it -- it could very well be true -- but if you talk about it too much it will really get on people's nerves.
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