american culture


American Culture Is Like A Prism

a: American culture ~
b: a prism

What: "Like the Indian society which has evolved over centuries and today, displays its gems of diversity, American culture is constantly being redefined by its new immigrants. Now American culture is like a prism, which illuminates the vibrant colors of every new culture within it. It is up to us to share our culture and educate others so that we may INTEGRATE, not assimilate into the American culture and help dispel prejudice and fear."

Writer: Mona
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 27 2011 10:45 AM

American culture is like a sponge

a: American culture ~
b: a sponge

What: "Godard argues American culture is like a sponge that absorbs the cultures of other countries, but leaves a sticky residue of history behind that makes the absorbed culture meaningless. In Godard's view, American culture has no room for historical accuracy. The film most obviously illustrates this moment when the director stands before posters for Bresson's Pickpocket and The Matrix."

Writer: Jean-Luc Godard
Date: Aug 27 2011 11:02 AM

American Culture

a: American culture ~
b: a giant slab of molasses

What: "George Will stated somewhere that American culture is like a giant slab of molasses and our decisions, like tiny channels, guide its lumbering movement to the right or left. With all due respect to Mr. Will, I suggest that our prayers guide the direction of American society."

Writer: George Will
Date: Aug 27 2011 11:11 AM

American Culture Is Like A Stew

a: American culture ~
b: a stew

What: "American culture is like a stew. It is composed of many different ingredients (cultures), spices (beliefs), and often a secret ingredient (pride and freedom) to give it the unique flavor that people crave. It is the land of opportunity, and it tastes good."

Writer: lrm090
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 27 2011 11:16 AM

American culture

a: American culture ~
b: a steamroller

What: "I think that American culture is like a steamroller across the world. Some representations of that would be fast food like McDonalds, others would be Disney and another one would be hip hop. So it seems pretty fair game that hip hop would be satirized or even pummeled by a comedian"

Writer: John Safran
Date: Aug 27 2011 11:22 AM

American Culture Is Like A Religion

a: American culture ~
b: a religion

What: See the discussion in the link.

Writer: David R. Dow
Date: Aug 27 2011 11:36 AM

American Culture Is Like A Hypo-manic Person

a: American culture ~
b: a hypo-manic person

What: "It's one "controversy" every few days--nothing is solved, nothing is gained but hits for Web-Barons and a wage for the people paid to find outrage and push it on us. American Culture is like a hypo-manic person who can't stop talking about what they think--people just get sick of that person and after a while people just tune out. I've reached that point with the whole Internet."

Writer: Sanford109
Date: Aug 27 2011 11:42 AM

American Culture

a: American culture ~
b: the moving sidewalk in an airport

What: "I'm used to my big American freedom. By comparison, American culture is like the moving sidewalk in an airport - safe and sanitised. And if it's not, you can sue."

Writer: Sarah Barrell
Date: Aug 27 2011 11:45 AM

American culture is like a mobius

a: American culture ~
b: a mobius

What: "American culture is like a mobius -- people, lifestyles, attitudes go away for a while, only to eventually return again upside down. Watch the passing scene long enough, and you'll see the lava lamp of social norms reverse itself, then reverse itself again. For the Webb legacy, the shift has been of the 180-degree polar variety, providing the kind of clarity and moral sledgehammer that Jack so favored. "

Writer: PJ-Comix
Date: Aug 27 2011 11:52 AM

shit wrapped in chocolate

a: American culture ~
b: shit wrapped in chocolate

What: With all the fundamental problems in American, 2012 there is tendency among many to glaze over issues with light happy rhetoric. There are many examples, just about any advertisement fits into this category. And as it start to stink more and more, there is a tendency to double down and keep adding layer of chocolate. Eventually the enough people bit into the chocolate and taste the culture as it is.

Writer: LucyG
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 23 2012 12:34 PM

a: american culture ~
b: football with all cheer leading and no coaches


Writer: Not Stated
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Nov 8 2016 9:42 AM

American Culture Is Like A Filter

a: The american culture ~
b: a filter

What: "You can also mention all the awesome food we got from multi-culturalism. We wouldn't have pizza. That alone is worth it. We get the best food from around the world. The American culture is like a filter. It filters out the crap some cultures eat, and the good stuff becomes Americanized. I wouldn't have it any other way. "

Writer: Just music
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Aug 27 2011 11:33 AM

Green Venn Diagram

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