alternating current
a: Alternating current ~
b: a hand saw
What: "Direct current is like a chainsaw - the sharp bits travel in one direction doing work (slicing wood) and then return to their original location. The motion of the chain is constant.
Alternating current is like a hand saw - the sharp bits travel in one direction, then briefly stop, then travel in the opposite direction."
Writer: Pentium100
Date: Sep 30 2013 8:31 PM
# 3658 Critique Analogy
1 Way Vs 2 Way?
a: Alternating current ~
b: regular tide
What: "Direct current is a electric current that flows in one direction. That is to say that it travels around a circuit like the water in a river, never flowing backwards. On the other hand, alternating current is like a very regular tide. Flowing from nil up-to maximum in the positive, then flowing back to nil, and then flowing up-to maximum in the negative, then returning to nil again. This pattern is repeated forever."
Writer: Not Stated
Date: Sep 30 2013 8:34 PM
# 3659 Critique Analogy
Back And Forth It Goes
a: Alternating current ~
b: a locomotive travelling on a single line
What: "Alternating Current is like a locomotive travelling on a single line. It goes forward and backwards along that line in both directions.
A D.C. loco could only travel along the line in one direction and can not return."
Writer: A welsh man
Date: Sep 30 2013 8:37 PM
# 3660 Critique Analogy
Water Here Water There
a: Alternating current ~
b: the waves washing onto the lake's shore
What: "Alternating current is like the waves washing onto the lake's shore, and then washing away. Direct current is like a river, steadily moving in its predetermined course. When alternating current moves through a diode, the diode allows power through in one direction but blocks it in the other direction. In other words, the rectifier allows half the wave through, and is therefore called a half-wave rectifier. Picture a half-wave of water entering a river bed every few seconds, rather than a steady flow of water." See the rest in the link.
Writer: Fred Decker
Date: Sep 30 2013 8:40 PM
# 3661 Critique Analogy
A Discussion Of Dimmers
a: Alternating current ~
b: a soft pillow
What: "The normal alternating current is like a soft pillow. Chopped up, the current is more like a hard table. Strike a tuning fork on a pillow and you won't produce much noise, but it will resonate if you strike it on a table."
Writer: Weightman
Date: Sep 30 2013 8:45 PM
# 3662 Critique Analogy

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