"As Jack Provonsha suggests, agape is like a sun around which the other dimensions of love revolve as planets in their true orbits.Each other dimension of love forsakes its legitimacy, however, whenever it moves in a trajectory away from agape, their true center that determines their proper circum-ference. Set free from agape, epithymia turns the other into a mere instrument for carnal gratification as though the other were nothing but a machine producing sexual satisfac-tion."
The whole discussion in the linked pdf.
on page 12 of the linked pdf.
"Ernest Becker argued that human beings are fundamentally conflicted, having two opposed drives: Eros and Agape. Agape is like people's naive vision of peace or heaven: an eternal melting into the mother's breast, acceptance, safety, etc. Eros is the desire for expansion, challenge, individuation. The warrior has nearly always sought acceptance by the tribe (Agape) by means of proving himself in competition with his fellows (Eros) towards the ultimate purpose of joining his brothers in the hunt or in battle (Eros again)-this is how he aligned the two antagonistic motives. "
"Agape is rooted in the nature of God. God is the source of agape love. Agape is like the Energizer Bunny, it keeps going and going and going, or giving, and giving, and giving. It is not based on mutual affection between the lover and the object of his love, and it does not depend upon any attractiveness of the object of its affection. Agape loves those who are unlovable and loves when there is no cause or reason to love. "
"Agape is like a magnificent diamond, each facet beautiful and profound in its own right, yet also inter-related in ways that contribute to the greater beauty and profundity of the whole.
"You see, Agape is like LIGHT... It is made up of SEVERAL COMPONENTS.
Remember when we were in the fourth or fifth grade, the teacher showed us light's component parts by placing a CRYSTAL PRISM in the window, and the component parts of LIGHT were displayed on the wall."

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