

Sweetest Word Out There

a: Adverb ~
b: sugar

What: "In writing, the adverb is like sugar. You know it's not good. You need to stay away, but it's addicting. As writers, we try to follow this rule. I used extremely large air quotes right there, but they were waaaayyyyy too big to print."

Writer: Christopher Winterberg
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:19 PM

a: Adverb ~
b: the perfect herb

What: "For me, a well-placed adverb is like the perfect herb - sprinkled in the right amount, it adds just the right touch but when overused can completely overwhelm the creation to the point of ruining the entire process."

Writer: abqwriter
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:24 PM

Soem Verb Need Good Pr

a: Adverb ~
b: an advertisement for a verb

What: "An adverb is like an advertisement for a verb, right? I'm pretty sure thats why I learned last week."

Writer: Saru_Inc
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:26 PM

Garnish Your Sentances With An Adverb?

a: Adverb ~
b: putting a hat on a horse

What: "I seem to remember Fowler saying that adding "ly" to a word that's already an adverb is like "putting a hat on a horse." Same goes for "firstly" in my book."

Writer: Perchprism
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:32 PM

a: An adverb ~
b: the delicate baby’s breath flower

What: "Another aspect of Stephen King that didn't sit well with me is that I had read numerous times how adamant he was against the usage of adverbs. My thought was always "why?" An adverb is like the delicate baby's breath flower that adorns a bouquet of flowers. Yes, technically you do not need to have baby's breath in a bouquet of flowers. The flower bouquet can survive without it, but you must admit the bouquet looks cute with the baby's breath, like a pretty picture."

Writer: Amanda M. Socci
Where: Reference Link Has Evaporated
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:27 PM

a: An adverb ~
b: a well-seasoned bite of pot roast

What: "Do I think sometimes an adverb is like a well-seasoned bite of pot roast? YES."

Writer: Elana Johnson
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:30 PM

Words In Tandem

a: An adverb ~
b: a wingman for an adjective

What: "(For anyone wondering, an adverb is like a wingman for an adjective or a verb. It brags about the word it's with. The monkey king shrieked loudly. Those fake tits are crazy big. There's a cult classic on adverbs. "Lolly, Lolly, Lolly get your Adverbs Here.")"

Writer: Heather McElhatton
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:37 PM

a: The adverb ~
b: a certain type of guy at work

What: "The adverb is like that guy who is always hanging around your desk at work, following you to Starbucks for 3 p.m. skinny vanilla lattes and suggesting ways for you two to "collaborate" and "synergize." You think he is your friend, or at least a productive coworker, until you realize that his idea of "collaboration" is garnishing your analysis of Russia's commodity exports with a few sentences about how furry Cossack hats are trending."

Writer: CL Patel
Date: Oct 8 2013 7:22 PM

Green Venn Diagram

METAMIA is a free database of analogy and metaphor. Anyone can contribute or search. The subject matter can be anything. Science is popular, but poetry is encouraged. The goal is to integrate our fluid muses with the stark literalism of a relational database. Metamia is like a girdle for your muses, a cognitive girdle.